Tech Track: Attribute Delivery Newcastle University Caleb Racey
Overview Introduction Attribute Issues –External site access –Internal site access –Provisioning –Usability improvements Roundup
Technical Background Distributed ad hoc identity infrastructure –No Authoritative directory of user info –Identity information spread across diverse systems Mixed Infrastructure: –Unix: Solaris + Redhat EL –Windows –SAP Mixed web application platforms: –The 3 P’s: PHP, Perl, Python –Java –ASP +
What attributes are used for Access control to external applications –federated use Access control to internal applications Provisioning internal applications Usability internal enhancements
Prerequisites to attribute use Identify requirement for attributes Do people actually know? Chicken and egg, won’t use Shib until attributes there, won’t know what they need until they try Identify Sources of Attributes –Data Integrity –Ownership issues –Cultural issues –Uses Data protection issues –Can I release this? Service and support –What to do on failure –How to support devolved systems
Technical Stages, Attribute Delivery Aggregation –Get Attributes from data stores Release –Decide what information you will release to whom Acceptance –Decide what information you will accept –From whom –In what format –Mapped to what variables on the server
Attribute Release Determined by Site ARP and User ARP e.g. Arp.xml + arp.ncr18.xml files User Arp can be from LDAP Tools for user control SHARPE- web based gui Explanation + address on support site +manual intervention Problems: too complex for users?
Attribute release ARP.xml EMOL service at EDINA
Attribute Acceptance Map attribute to server variables (Header=) Flexibility useful for supporting legacy e.g. Map ncr18 to REMOTE_USER for legacy.htaccess Map to REMOTE_USER for federated Give Attribute alias for access config (Alias=) Allow unscoped-affiliation member Determine what you will accept from whom What Whom
Attribute acceptance AAP.xml ^[M|m][E|e][M|m][B|b][E|e][R|r]$
Fed use: What was required Identify Attribute requirements of providers –Generally stated by the federation –Can be bilateral agreements –Generally not complicated Aggregate attributes Release
Simple Example Access to “Athens” journal resources Via shib login gateway shib >> athen assertion conversion Access to most journals Requires “Affiliation” attribute login id in active directory => Affiliated user Policy implication login = membership Problem for edge cases (Distance learning, NHS staff) Echo the affiliation <SimpleAttributeDefinition id=“urn:thing: eduPersonAffiliation">
Complex example Restricted access to online medical videos Autopsy videos Medic only Duplicate Athens medic restricted group Manually provisioned by medical librarians Problem identifying medics Students = on medical courses, identify diversity of courses keep up to date Staff = convince medical librarian they are a medic Solution only good for students Long term solution = Grouper?
Complex example <JDBCDataConnector id=" db6 " dbURL="jdbc:mysql:// & ;password=thing" dbDriver=" com.mysql.jdbc.Driver “ maxActive="10“ maxIdle="5"> SELECT course_code, CASE course_code WHEN 'A101' THEN '' WHEN 'A106' THEN '' ELSE 'none' END as sdssentitlement FROM CMstudentdata WHERE loginid = ?
Lessons Learned – federated use Federated attribute usage is a nice well defined simple subset Shibboleth useable with messy composite Identity Infrastructures –It is much better not to need to Need for identity enrichment tools: e.g. medical staff Shib Technology is not the hard bit The identity management processes are Not going to go away
Internal use: What is required Access control to internal resources Valid users - e.g. Exam papers Group membership - research wikis Better usability of applications Auto population of form fields Nicer interaction “Hello Cal” not “Hello ncr18” Provisioning of applications Simple deployment of applications e.g. Sympa mediawiki
Example: Names sn GivenName Need: sn +givenName for Usability enhancements e.g. vs Caleb Racey, form Problem: Userbase split into staff and students Data in separate tables Solution: Union selects across tables. Question: possible if they are in separate DBs?
Example SELECT forenames as givenName, surname as sn FROM staff WHERE loginname = ? UNION SELECT forenames as givenName, surname as sn FROM student WHERE loginname = ?
Future Enhancements Scriptable attribute Aggregation <![CDATA[ Attributes attributes = dependencies.getConnectorResolution("directory"); Attribute affiliation = attributes.get("eduPersonAffiliation"); if (affiliation.size() > 0) { resolverAttribute.addValue("affiliate"); } ]]> Potential Use case: Active Directory Groups Group membership property of user object LDAP lookup not easy/possible?
Lessons Learned – internal use Attribute aggregation = valuable business process Expose via webservices? Duplicate? Just use shib? Reengineer identity infrastructure? Need identity enrichment tool for future apps Dspace - identify librarians Wikis sympa - research groups Allow Integration of applications into a platform Grouper Enable identity enrichment Add once, use anywhere
Usability enhancements Provide identifiers for self service apps Library number Smart card number Pay role number Auto populate forms Login name address First name, Surname Greater Personal Data visibility = better integrity? = higher initial support burden?
Provisioning Applications Benefits Simplifies institutional back ends AA abstracts business logic Authentication + authorisation + provisioning in one shot Reusable between applications Enables lightweight deployment techniques –No more 22,000 user databases No Imports, Updates, Suspensions, Removals, Reactivations, Reprovisioning. –Fewer deprovisioning headaches –Application accounts provisioned on first use –Login deactivated in one place
Provisioning examples MediaWiki PHP based Install Shibboleth extension Requires:username (eppn) address (optional) Deployed by Graduate in 1st 3 months of job Sympa Mailing list manager Perl based Requires: Address Configure shibboleth login system Compatible with legacy (8000 lists)
Media wiki
Provisioning Applications: Questions Dealing with external users Separate directory? Compatible data formats? Aggrageting multiple identity sources User data changes Change of institute becomes Deprovisioning out of scope Does no login = no problem? Lack of data control? Who is provisioning? “Freedom of information” requests Question: is this any worse than other techniques?
Final Questions? Are ARPs usable by users, will they ever be? Attribute Aggregation Deal with messy institutional data stores? Instigate identity management review? Enhance identity stores? Glory in perfect present? Provisioning: Good idea or trouble brewing?