1 Gentle Introduction to Programming Session 6: Lists, Course Summary
2 Review Sorting, searching and time-complexity analysis Scala memory model Guest lecture by Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld Object-oriented programming (OOP) Classes and Objects Functional Objects (Rational Numbers example)
3 Today הפתעה! (+ משובים) Finish Functional Objects Guest lecture by Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld 10:10 Course Summary ++ Lists More OOP (inheritance, hierarchy, polymorphism) Go home!
4 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Represent problem-domain entities using a computer language When building a software in a specific domain, describe the different components of the domain as types and variables Thus we can take another step up in abstraction
5 Class as a Blueprint A class is a blueprint of objects
6 Car Example Members: 4 wheels, steering wheel, horn, color,… Every car instance has its own Methods: drive, turn left, honk, repaint,… Constructors: Car(String color), Car(Array[Wheels], Engine,…), …
7 Rational Numbers A ration number is a number that can be expressed as a ration n/d (n,d integers, d not 0) Examples: 1/2, 2/3, 112/239, 2/1 Not an approximation
8 Specification Add, subtract, multiply, divide println should work smoothly Immutable (result of an operation is a new rational number) It should feel like native language support
9 Constructing a Rational How client programmer will create a new Rational object? Class parameters
10 Constructing a Rational The Scala compiler will compile any code placed in the class body, which isn’t part of a field or a method definition, into the primary constructor ?
11 Reimplementing toString toString method A more useful implementation of toString would print out the values of the Rational’s numerator and denominator override the default implementation
12 Usage Now we can remove the debug println…
13 Checking Preconditions Ensure the data is valid when the object is constructed Use require
14 Define “add” Method Immutable Define add:
15 Add Fields n, d are in scope in the add method Access then only on the object on which add was invoked
16 Test Add, Access Fields
17 Self Reference (this) Define method lessThan: Define method max:
18 Auxiliary Constructors Constructors other then the primary Example: a rational number with a denominator of 1 (e.g., 5/1 5) We would like to do: new Rational(5) Auxiliary constructor first action: invoke another constructor of the same class The primary constructor is thus the single point of entry of a class
19 Revised Rational
20 Private Fields and Methods 66/42 = 11/7 To normalize divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (gcd) gcd(66,42) = 6 (66/6)/(42/6) = 11/7 No need for Rational clients to be aware of this Encapsulation
21 Off Topic: Calculate gcd gcd(a,b) = g a = n * g b = m * g gcd(n,m)=1(otherwise g is not the gcd) a = t * b + r = t * m * g + r g is a divisor of r gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,a%b) The Euclidean algorithm: repeat iteratively: if (b == 0) return a else repeat using a b, b a%b
22 Correctness Example: gcd(40,24) gcd(24,16) gcd(16,8) gcd(8,0) 8 Prove: g = gcd(a,b) = gcd(b,a%b)= g1 g1 is a divisor of a ( g1 ≤ g ) There is no larger divisor of a ( g1 ≥ g ) ≤ : a = t * b + r a = t * h * g1 + v * g1 g1 is a divisor of a ≥ : assume g > g1 a = t * b + r g is a divisor of b and r contradiction
23 Implementation
24 Revised Rational
25 Defining Operators Why not use natural arithmetic operators? Replace add by the usual mathematical symbol Operator precedence will be kept All operations are method calls
26 Revised Rational
27 Usage
28 Method Overloading Now we can add and multiply rational numbers! What about mixed arithmetic? r * 2 won’t work r * new Rational(2) is not nice Add new methods for mixed addition and multiplication Method overloading The compiler picks the correct overloaded method
29 Usage The * method invoked is determined in each case by the type of the right operand
30 Revised Rational
31 Implicit Conversions 2 * r 2.*(r) method call on 2 (Int) Int class contains no multiplication method that takes a Rational argument Create an implicit conversion that automatically converts integers to rational numbers when needed
32 Companion Object
33 Revised Rational Define implicit conversion in Rational.scala, after defining object Rational
34 In Eclipse In Rational.scala: Companion object (object Rational) Rational class (class Rational) Place the main method in another file
35 Summary Customize classes so that they are natural to use fields, methods, primary constructor Method overriding Self reference (this) Define several constructors Encapsulation Define operators as method Method overloading Implicit conversions, companion object
36 Complete HomeWork Implement class Complex so it is natural to use complex numbers Examples:
37 Today הפתעה! (+ משובים) Finish Functional Objects Guest lecture by Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld 10:10 Course Summary ++ Lists More OOP (inheritance, hierarchy, polymorphism) Go home!
38 Course Description This course will provide a gentle introduction to programming using Scala for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming
39 Objective Bridge the gap for students without prior programming knowledge
40 Course Description Lectures will be interactive featuring in-class exercises with lots of support You are expected to work hard!
41 Course Plan SessionMaterial 1Basic concepts in CS and programming, basic Scala 2Basic Scala (cont.), Functions 3Recursion 4Arrays 5Sort, Complexity, Object Oriented Programming 6Summary, Lists, more OOP
42 Why Scala? Semester A: Scheme Semester B: Java Scala language has some features similar to Scheme and some to Java Scala is cool!
43 Summary General introduction to CS and programming Basic Scala Development tools: Interpreter Eclipse (+ debugger) Compiler, Interpreter
44 Compiler
45 Interpreter
46 How it works in Scala
47 Higher Order Functions
48 Recursion
49 Recursion and Efficiency The recursive form, however elegant, may be much less efficient The number of redundant calls grow exponentially! Fib(6) Fib(4)
50 Recursive Vs. Iterative Process Operation pending No pending operations
51 “Tail” Recursion in Scala Scala compiler translate tail-recursion to iterative execution Thus, the functions-stack is not growing
52 Arrays Array: sequential block of memory that holds variables of the same type Array can be declared for any type The array variable itself holds the address in memory of beginning of sequence foreach, filter, map,… s ……
53 Arrays - Example
54 Stack, Queue Stack – מחסנית Applications: Function’s stack Implementation ideas Queue – תור, First In First Out (FIFO) Applications: Scheduling, typing Implementation idea Cyclic Queue
55 Binary Search Input: A sorted array of integers A An integer query q Output: The index of q in A if q is a member of A -1 otherwise Algorithm: Check the middle element of A If it is equal to q, return its index If it is >= q, search for q in A[0,…,middle-1] If it is < q, search for q in A[middle+1,...,end]
56 Time Complexity of BS Worst case analysis Size of the inspected array: n n/2 n/4 ….. 1 Each step is very fast (a small constant number of operations) There are log 2 (n) such steps So it takes ~ log 2 (n) steps per search Much faster then ~ n
57 Bubble Sort Time Complexity Array of size n n iterations i iterations constant (n-1 + n-2 + n-3 + …. + 1) * const ~ ½ * n 2
58 Marge Sort If the array is of length 0 or 1, then it is already sorted. Otherwise: Divide the unsorted array into two sub-arrays of about half the size Sort each sub-array recursively by re-applying merge sortrecursively Merge the two sub-arrays back into one sorted arrayMerge n + 2 * (n/2) * n/ * n/2 3 + … + 2log(n) * n/2 log(n) = n + n + … + n = n * log(n) log(n)
59 Bucket Sort Linear-time sorting algorithm! But: restrictions on data – bounded integers…
60 Quick Sort Want to hear about it?
61 Scala Memory Model Passing arguments to functions, local names Objects in memory Stack, Heap, Garbage collection
62 Object-Oriented Programming Represent problem-domain entities using a computer language Abstraction Classes as blueprint / data-types Scala API (and Java’s)
63 Rational Numbers Example Customize classes so that they are natural to use fields, methods, primary constructor Method overriding Self reference (this) Define several constructors Encapsulation Define operators as method Method overloading Implicit conversions, companion object
64 Guest Lectures (soon to be Dr.) Ohad Barzilay Oded Magger Prof. Benny Chor Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld
65 Today הפתעה! (+ משובים) Finish Functional Objects Guest lecture by Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld 10:10 Course Summary ++ Lists More OOP (inheritance, hierarchy, polymorphism) Go home!
66 Programming in Scala Chapter 16: Working with Lists Chapter 22: Implementing Lists
67 Problems with Arrays Limited in space (static): the size of an array is defined as it is created Costly to perform dynamic operations (e.g., add an element)
68 Linked Lists Built out of links, each link holds: Data Pointer to the next link (tail) Pointer to the first element (head)
69 Linked Lists (cont.) Infinite loop? (link link link….) Nil – the empty list The elements have the same type
70 Lists Vs. Arrays ListArray Initialization / memory EconomicalWasteful Insert element FastSlow Remove element FastSlow Direct access No direct accessDirect access Traverse Linear
71 Functionality initiate isEmpty length add element remove element append reverse
72 Lists in Scala List class have a type parameter T (similar to Arrays…) List operations are based on three basic methods: isEmpty : Boolean – true iff the list is empty head : T – first element in list tail : List[T] – a list consisting of the elements except the first
73 Initiating Lists
74 Constructing Lists All lists are build from two fundamental building blocks: Nil :: (cons)
75 Example: Insertion Sort
76 Implementation of ::
77 Implementation of: length, map
78 Concatenating Lists
79 Reverse a List def rev[T](xs : List[T]) = { if (xs.isEmpty) xs else rev(xs.tail):::List(xs.head) } Complexity?
80 Higher Order Methods map filter partition foreach And more
81 Example - map map(_+1) map((x:Int)=>x+1)
82 Example – filter, partition
83 Example – filter, partition
84 Example – foreach
85 Example – sort
86 Other Data Structures Trees Maps
87 Example var capital = Map( "US" "Washington", "France" "paris", "Japan" "tokyo" ) capital += ( "Russia" "Moskow" ) for ( (country, city) capital ) capital += ( country city.capitalize ) assert ( capital("Japan") == "Tokyo" )
88 Pattern Matching in Scala Here's a a set of definitions describing binary trees: And here's an inorder traversal of binary trees: This design keeps purity: all cases are classes or objects extensibility: you can define more cases elsewhere encapsulation: only parameters of case classes are revealed abstract class Tree[T] case object Empty extends Tree case class Binary(elem: T, left: Tree[T], right: Tree[T]) extends Tree def inOrder [T] ( t: Tree[T] ): List[T] = t match { case Empty => List() case Binary(e, l, r) => inOrder(l) ::: List(e) ::: inOrder(r) } The case modifier of an object or class means you can pattern match on it
89 Today הפתעה! (+ משובים) Finish Functional Objects Guest lecture by Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld 10:10 Course Summary ++ Lists More OOP (inheritance, hierarchy, polymorphism) Go home!
90 More OOP (only talking…) Inheritance Class Hierarchy Polymorphism
91 Scala Hierarchy
92 Today הפתעה! (+ משובים) Finish Functional Objects Guest lecture by Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld 10:10 Course Summary ++ Lists More OOP (inheritance, hierarchy, polymorphism) Go home!
93 Thanks / References Guest lecturers: Ohad, Oded, Benny, Amiram, Ronitt Administration: Avia, Pnina System: Ami, Eitan, Boaz, Eddie Initiator: Dr. Lior Wolf References: “Programming in Scala” Jackie Assa Scheme Course Don’t remember
94 חג שמח! תהנו משארית החופשה!