T-527 Fall 2009 How to Teach for Understanding Perspectives on Educational Technology 10 September 2009
T-527 Fall 2009 Last week What is understanding?... a flexible performance capability How is it developed and demonstrated?…through performances of understanding What is curriculum: product? process? How do I unfreeze my current thinking without drowning in uncertainty? How do I balance my passions, my partner’s interests, the T527 agenda, and feasibility to define a project that is generative for me?
T-527 Fall 2009 Goals for today What are some alternative perspectives on the role of new educational technologies in teaching and learning for understanding? How can we make sense of readings to guide analysis and the design of effective curriculum plans and technology integration? How can I develop my project plans?
T-527 Fall 2009 Activities for today Analyze readings about potential and problems of educational technologies Analyze practice in relation to readings Learn about project possibilities Consult about your own project plans
T-527 Fall 2009 T527 Ecology 30K feet View
T-527 Fall 2009 I T527 Landscape 30K feet View Thou It Instructional Core
T-527 Fall 2009 Technology as a Force Technology as a Tool
T-527 Fall 2009 “Book schools” reproduce inert knowledge Don’t map new technology on old curricula: Yelland
T-527 Fall 2009 Multimodal, hyperlinked networked media reshape: Curriculum Learning Literacies Pedagogy Institutions
T-527 Fall 2009 Transforming Schools with Technology Zucker’s Goals Student Achievement Relevant, engaging schools High quality education for all Attract, prepare, support, retain good teachers Support families and communities Promote accountability of schools
T-527 Fall 2009 Use Technology Wisely-Zenglinsky Constructive pedagogy is superior to didactic instruction alone Technology can support constructivism Technology use improves test scores when it is used to promote higher order skills: metacognition, data analysis, analysis of simulations, revision of work
T-527 Fall 2009 Teaching for Understanding with Technology—Wiske et al. Use elements of the Teaching for Understanding framework to guide design of technology-enhanced curriculum Review uses of technology with the Framework elements to take full advantage of educational technology
T-527 Fall 2009 Active (manipulative/observant) Constructive (articulative/reflective) Intentional (goal directed/regulatory) Authentic (complex, contextual) Cooperative (collaborative, conversational) Jonassen-Meaningful Learning with Technology Vehicle, authentic context, social medium, intellectual partner
T-527 Fall 2009 SubjectsObject/ Outcome Motive Mediating Tools: (e.g. books, talk, computers, schedules, etc.) Rules (norms and values) Community Division of Labor The instructional core is part of a larger system Yelland An Activity System Engstrom 1987
T-527 Fall 2009 Cuban doubts the impact of technology in schools Policy makers buy technology; few teachers use them Schools resist change –Must serve multiple purposes: moral, social, civic, economic, academic –Structures and practices are resilient –Not enough technical support Technology does not change pedagogy Technology use does not improve learning
T-527 Fall 2009 How do and should technologies affect what and how we teach? Where do the authors that we read this week (Zucker, Wenglinsky, Wiske Yelland. Cuban) stand on this matrix? Where do you stand and what affects your position? How do this week’s readings influence your position and ideas? How does national/cultural context affect positions?
T-527 Fall 2009 Teaching for Understanding Generative Topics Build the curriculum around important, accessible topics related to learners’ interests and experience Understanding Goals Publicize explicit goals for what learners will not just learn but really understand (flexpertise) Performances of Understanding On-going Assessment Offer multiple and varied opportunities for learners to perform in ways that develop, demonstrate, and apply their understanding Assess performances frequently, using public criteria tied to learning goals and provide helpful feedback and coaching Support reflective, collaborative communities where everybody shares responsibility for teaching and learning The Teaching for Understanding Framework Generative Topics Performances of Understanding On-Going Assessment Understanding Goals
T-527 Fall 2009 Contrasting Views of Education Norton and Wiburg Teachers present Students listen Collaboration is cheating Subjects are separate Learning is fact-centered Teacher and texts are the sources of knowledge Assessment is based on reproduced knowledge Schools are isolated Teachers facilitate Students construct Collaboration fuels learning Subjects are integrated Learning is problem-centered Many people and resources are sources of knowledge Assessment is based on flexible performance capabilities Technology links schools with the world Didactic Instruction: Few intelligences Constructivist Learning: Multiple Intelligences
T-527 Fall How does this example fit with your criteria for high-quality learning and teaching with technology?
T-527 Fall 2009 New technologies for T527 to support our learning T527 Website –Announcements –Class session slides and readings –Discussion –Communally Assembled Resources –Office hours sign up Multimedia Case Study –Dynamic Earth: A Case of Teaching for Understanding with Technology Collaborative Curriculum Design Tool
T527 Project Process Develop relationships Frame a project Sketch Purposes Make a proposal Cycles of design: think, consult, draft, review, revise
T-527 Fall 2009 Preparing for class next week Readings: compare the authors’ perspectives on clarifying the overall purposes of learning-- curriculum goals, desired results, big ideas, targets of difficulty--and consider them in relation to your own and your partner’s views NOTE Additional reading in the website Project: clarify plans with your project partner(s). Use the course website discussion forum to exchange ideas and plans. Review guidelines to prepare a draft proposal, due September 18 Explore Shamsa’s case Meet Stone and Shane in office hours