Locating and Contacting Real People
Exercise 2.8 Research Your Player Follow along as we discuss Key Exercise for the entire course Required for 3.1 Players are usually: Elected Officials Government Department Officials Non-Profit Organization Officials
Exercise 3.1 Follow along as we discuss Contact player identified in 2.8 and treat them as a client who you will design a survey. You don’t do the survey Role play a conversation
Four Easy Ways to Involve Real People in Your Work 1.Chose your topic and your contacts carefully by being knowledgeable and interested and by using your family, friends, and other contacts. 2.Establish a bond with the person by following the rules of Dale Carnegie, whose world famous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, will help you in this course and in life. 3.Make the initial contact by using the most convenient form of communication. 4.Set up a procedure to have continuous dialogue
Initial Phone Call Secretaries and assistants are important BE PREPARED with your sales pitch BE PREPARED with your questions and to follow up Take careful notes and review after call Establish best way for future contact