Introduction to Photovoltaics Dennis Scanlin Appalachian State University
Photovoltaic History 1839 Edmund Becquerel - first recognized the effect
Early PV milestones 1839 – discovery of the photovoltaic effect; 1873 – Smith discovers the photoconductivity of selenium 1883 – Fritts develops first selenium cell (1% efficient) 1904 – Einstein published his paper on the photoelectric effect (along with a paper on his theory of relativity) 1921 – Albert Einstein wins the Nobel Prize for his theories (1904 paper) explaining the photoelectric effect Albert Einstein
P-N Junction & 1st cells Technology Developed at Bell Labs in 1940’s & 50’s Patented 1st modern solar cell called a “Light sensitive device”
Vanguard I - first PV powered satellite Launched in 1958; 4th artificial satellite solar panel: 0.1W, 100 cm² Still orbiting; longest orbiting artificial satellite $1000/watt
Contemporary Applications: Direct Power Water Pumping or Air Moving
Direct Power
Contemporary Applications: Off Grid Battery Based Systems
Off Grid Battery Based Systems
Offgrid Battery Based System
Hybrid Systems
Grid Tied Battery Based Systems
Battery Charging Systems
Direct Grid Tie Batteryless Systems
Direct Grid Tie PV
Direct Grid Tie Inverters
Direct Grid Tied PV: Residential
Number of Residential vs Commercial Systems Installed
Direct Grid Tied Utility Scale Photovoltaic Systems
Annual US Installed Grid PV
Mounting Hardware
PV Production by Country
Types of PV Cells/Products Single Crystalline Polycrystalline String Ribbon Amorphous or Thin Film
Shipments of PV by Type
Best Research-Cell Efficiencies Spectrolab 36 Multijunction Concentrators Three-junction (2-terminal, monolithic) Two-junction (2-terminal, monolithic) Crystalline Si Cells Single crystal Multicrystalline Thin Si Thin Film Technologies Cu(In,Ga)Se2 CdTe Amorphous Si:H (stabilized) Emerging PV Organic cells Spectrolab 32 Japan Energy NREL/ Spectrolab NREL 28 NREL UNSW 24 UNSW Spire UNSW UNSW UNSW NREL Cu(In,Ga)Se2 14x concentration Spire Stanford ARCO Georgia Tech UNSW 20 Efficiency (%) Sharp NREL Westing- house Georgia Tech Varian NREL NREL 16 No. Carolina State University University So. Florida NREL NREL AstroPower NREL Euro-CIS Solarex ARCO Boeing 12 Kodak Boeing Boeing United Solar AMETEK Masushita United Solar 8 Kodak Boeing AstroPower Monosolar RCA Photon Energy Solarex Boeing University California Berkeley 4 University of Maine Princeton RCA RCA RCA University Konstanz RCA RCA RCA NREL 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 026587136
Concentrating PV
PV Prices
Cost of Energy