National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 National Policy Dialogues on Integrated Water Resources Management Национальные.


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Presentation transcript:

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 National Policy Dialogues on Integrated Water Resources Management Национальные диалоги по водной политике в сфере комплексного управления водными ресурсами Dr Rainer E. Enderlein Regional expert, UNECE, Geneva

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 Policy dialogues on IWRM in four EECCA countries Moldova Ukraine Armenia Kyrgyzstan

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 Policy dialogues on IWRM in four EECCA countries Moldova Ukraine Armenia Kyrgyzstan Belarus? Turkmenistan Kazakhstan Tajikizstan Request by new countries Georgia?

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 National Policy Dialogues are carried out within the EECCA component of the EU Water Initiative Национальные диалоги по водной политике реализуются в рамках компонента ВЕКЦА Водной Инициативы ЕС. The EUWI was launched by all EU Member States and the European Commission at the World Summit on Sustainable Development Все страны-члены ЕС и Европейская Комиссия инициировали данную Инициативу в 2002 году на Всемирном Саммите по устойчивому развитию.

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 National Policy Dialogues are the main operational instruments of the EUWI Национальные диалоги по водной политике – главный рабочий инструмент этой Инициативы.

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 Cross-cutting issues Межтематические вопросы IWRM / КУВР Enabling environment/Политика и законодательство Institutional framework Организационная структура Management instruments Инструменты управления

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 Outputs of the National Policy Dialogues: policy packages °Draft pieces of legislation (e.g. governmental or ministerial regulations) °Recommendations and good practice documents °Analysis of institutional/management structures °Water management plans and water safety plans °Assessments of the effectiveness of measures undertaken

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 Target groups ° Ministries of environment and the State committees/agencies for water management, including their subsidiary bodies ° Ministries of agriculture, health, economy, justice and finance ° Parliamentary bodies for environment, national academies of science ° Municipalities ° National and local non-governmental organizations, Regional Environmental Centres, Global Water Partnership/national offices

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 °UNECE is the strategic partner for IWRM-related activities °OECD is the strategic partner for water supply and sanitation issues

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD in Moldova – specific objective ° Wastewater discharges – new regulations ° River basin management authorities and river basin councils ° Target setting under the Protocol on Water and Health Main drivers: ° Ministry of Environment & Apele Moldovei ° NGO ECO-Tiras ° GWP/Moldova

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 Prut (MD, RO, UA) Dniester (MD, UA) Cahul, Ialpug (MD, UA) Cogilnik, Sarata, Hagider (MD, UA) NPD in Moldova Seven transboundary basins, but two RBO

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD in Armenia – specific objectives ° IWRM, including financing, in a pilot river basin, based on WFD and UNECE Water Convention Main drivers: ° Water Resources Management Agency ° NGO AWFHE ° GWP/Armenia

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 Source of the map: An introduction to the Armenian water sector, USAID, October Marmarik sub-basin (EUWI) Meghri sub-basin (USAID)

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD in Ukraine - specific objectives (to be confirmed) ° IWRM under the conditions of climate change ° Targets on safe drinking water, adequate sanitation and sustainable water management Main drivers: ° State Committee for Water Management & OSCE ° NGO MAMA-86 ° GWP/Ukraine

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD in Kyrgyzstan - specific objectives ° start up mission in spring 2008

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD in Kyrgyzstan - specific objectives ° start up mission in spring 2008 NPD will also be based on outcome of the “Berlin water conference” - a high-level conference organized by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the support of UNECE Tentative dates March/April 2008 Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Ministers of Environment, Heads of Water Management Committees

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD as a political process Core funding: EC

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD as a political process Core funding: EC Additional funding and in kind contributions

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD as a political process Core funding: EC Additional funding? Estonia Finland? UNDP?

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD as a political process Core funding: EC Additional funding Estonia Finland? Poland? Hungary? France Slovakia? In kind contributions UNDP?

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD as a political process Core funding: EC Additional funding Estonia Finland? Poland? Hungary? France Slovakia? In kind contributions Germany UNDP? Core support for Central Asia

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD as a political process Core funding: EC Additional funding and in kind contributions Technical projects jointly indentified and TOR agreed

National Policy Dialogues on IWRM in EECCA, 10th WG meeting, Moscow, 13 Dec 2007 NPD as a political process Core funding: EC Additional funding and in kind contributions Technical projects jointly indentified and TOR agreed Submission to EU WG EECCA Submission to EU Member States’ donors meeting