Plyometrics - Explosive Power Training “The Link between Strength and Power”
Plyometric zPleythyein (Ply- or Plio-) - to increase zMetric - to measure zMeasurable increase
History zEastern block countries x 35 years zTraining regimen for track athletes zYuri Veroshanski (Soviet)
Link between Strength and Power zStrength = Force zPower = F x D/T zPower = Strength/Time
Link between Strength and Power Speed + Strength Power Speed-Strength = ability to exert maximal force during high-speed movements
Definitions Exercises characterized by powerful muscular contractions in response to rapid, dynamic loading or stretching (Radcliffe and Farentinos, 1985)
Definitions Any exercise that uses the natural elastic recoil elements of muscle and the stretch reflex to produce a stronger, faster muscle response (Chu, 1988)
Physiology (Neurological) Myotatic/Stretch/Monosynaptic Reflex zMuscle Spindles - rate of stretch - length of stretch
Physiology (Mechanical) Utilization of stored elastic (potential) energy zSEC zDependent on: - movement amplitude - transition (coupling) time
Physiology SEC zStructures that transmit the active, muscle force production zEpimysium + Tendon zResist stretching but can be stretched zstiffness vs. compliance
SEC Load Contractile Component (Active Tension) Series Elastic Component (External Tension)
Components of Plyometrics Stretch-Shortening Cycle zEccentric Phase zAmortization Phase zConcentric Phase
Plyometric Activities zBaseball Swing zGolf Swing zJumping zRunning zThrowing zChange of direction
Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Jumps-in-place zSquat jump zDouble-leg tuck jump (single) zDouble-leg vertical power jump (single) zBroad jump zPike jump
Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Jumps-in-place zSplit squat jump zCycle split squat jump zBroad/long jump zStanding triple jump
Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Hops zHops - double/single zigzag zDouble leg zSingle leg
Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Bounds zAlternate leg bounds zCombination leg bounds
Lower Extremity Plyometric Activities Shock zIn-depth jumps zBox jumps - multiples
Upper Extremity Plyometric Activities zPlyometric push-up zClap push-up zDrop-and-catch push-up zMedicine ball push-up zMedicine ball activities - catch and throws
Trunk Plyometric Activities zMedicine ball sit-up zPlyometric leg raise
Rehabilitation Applications zQuick stretch - PNF zStep downs zDynamic wall push-ups zPediatrics - obstacle courses, medicine ball zAngle boards
Surfaces for Jumps zResilient zGrass zRubber/track
Prescription Mode zlower vs. upper extremity zspecific types of exercise Intensity ztype of exercise (skips, hops, etc.) zheight of boxes ( ”) = 30” zweight of balls
Prescription Frequency zdays/week ( 1 - 3) Volume zrepetitions zground contacts ( )
Prescription Volume guidelines zBeginner ( ) zIntermediate ( ) zAdvanced ( )
Prescription Recovery z sec. between reps z2 - 3 min. between sets Program Length z weeks zOverload
Prescription Progression zProgressive overload Warm-up
Strength Base Lower Extremity zSquat: x body weight ( = 1.5) Upper Extremity z five clap push-ups zBW > 250 lbs. BP BW zBW < 165 lbs. BP 1.5 x BW