Introduction to SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services Melville Thomson IT Pro Evangelist
New features of Analysis Services Unified Dimensional Model (UDM) Using Analysis Services What Will We Cover?
Experience with SQL Server Familiarity with database analytics Familiarity with database reports Helpful Experience
Introducing Analysis Services Providing Intelligent Data Agenda
SQL Server Business Intelligence Data acquisition from source systems and integration Data transformation and synthesis Data enrichment with business logic; hierarchical views Data discovery through data mining Data presentation and distribution Data access for the masses IntegrateAnalyzeReport
Analysis Services Roadmap Enter the Game Entry-level offering Establish industry application programming interface (API) Generate mindshare Focus on total cost of ownership (TCO) Win Leadership Feature complete Penetrate the enterprise Thought leadership Market share leadership Scale Breakthrough
What Is Analysis Services? Dashboards Rich Reports BI Front Ends Spreadsheets Ad Hoc Reports SQLServer Teradata OracleDB2 LOB DW Datamart AnalysisServices UDM Cache XML/A or ODBO
What Is Analysis Services? - Notes Dashboards Rich Reports BI Front Ends Spreadsheets Ad Hoc Reports SQLServer Teradata OracleDB2 LOB DW Datamart AnalysisServices UDM Cache XML/A or ODBO
One Version of the Truth Multiple enterprise data sources Single business view of the data Common business terminology Unified data navigation experience One version of business analytics OLAP browser, Reporting Services, BI apps
One Version of the Truth - Notes Multiple enterprise data sources Single business view of the data Common business terminology Unified data navigation experience One version of business analytics OLAP browser, Reporting Services, BI apps
Demo Defining a Cube Define a Data Source Define a Data Source View Explore Data demonstration
Introducing Analysis Services Providing Intelligent Data Agenda
Data Enrichment and Analytics Advanced business logic, rules, and calculations Key performance indicators Data mining and predictive analytics What-if modeling
Data Enrichment… - Notes Advanced business logic, rules, and calculations Key performance indicators Data mining and predictive analytics What-if modeling
Demo Refining an Analysis Cube Provide Localized Metadata Use Perspectives Use Key Performance Indicators demonstration
Real-Time and High Performance Isolate back-end sources Accelerated response time Real-time data access
Mission Critical Reliable and available Designed for 7/24/365 Scalable Secure by design Manageable
Mission Critical - Notes Reliable and available Designed for 7/24/365 Scalable Secure by design Manageable
Common Bet on Analysis ServicesSQL Server ™ Teradata OracleDB2 LOB DW Datamart AnalysisServices UDM Cache XML/A or ODBO
Benefits of UDM Rich, easily understood model Supported by BI applications Powerful calculation engine Heterogeneous data sources Interactive query performance over large data volumes
Benefits of UDM - Notes Rich, easily understood model Supported by BI applications Powerful calculation engine Heterogeneous data sources Interactive query performance over large data volumes
Uses of Relational-Based Reporting Queries outside model Full text search Very real time Exploit database- level objects
A watershed Analysis Services release Advances in functionality, scalability, manageability, and integration UDM is a breakthrough technology at the heart of the SQL Server BI architecture Session Summary
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