Electrical Engineering Department Robert MacKinnon Jr.Prof. Mustafa Guvench Presenter: Robert MacKinnon Jr. Advisor: Prof. Mustafa Guvench Joshua Ward Coauthor: Joshua Ward Electrical Engineering Department Robert MacKinnon Jr.Prof. Mustafa Guvench Presenter: Robert MacKinnon Jr. Advisor: Prof. Mustafa Guvench Joshua Ward Coauthor: Joshua Ward Frequency Response of a SOI-MEMS Resonator Magnitude(yellow) & Phase(blue) MEMS wire bonding diagram SOI- MEMS chip, size 5 mm x 5 mm wire bonded to a 44-pin J- LDCC gold package Thick Film Heater, temperature as a function of power Lab View Master Virtual Instrument Computer Controlled Test System Design of a Computer Controlled Test System for a SOI-MEMS Resonator Gas Sensor for High Temperature Characterization This project involves the development of a computer-controlled test system to measure and characterize the response of a Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Micro-Electro-Mechanical Resonator (MEMR) to various gas mixtures and concentrations. This miniature device, developed by Professor Guvench of the University of Southern Maine, will be ultimately be used for gas sensing and frequency control applications in high temperature environments. The chip will be packaged in combination with a thermocouple and heater element to facilitate testing of the chip for high temperature characterization. The control system developed employs Lab View as the software platform for interfacing, communication, data acquisition and control. A PID control loop has been developed within the master Lab View program to measure, monitor and maintain the temperature of the chip at a predetermined test temperature. An IOtech Personal DAQ/Series 3000 data acquisition module is used to coordinate communication between the Lab View Program and all inputs and outputs for the test system. The Lab View program also controls the injection time and flow rate of the gases and measures the frequency response of the resonator. The mechanical portions of the test system were designed to facilitate both redundancy and ease of replacement should maintenance become necessary. This project involves the development of a computer-controlled test system to measure and characterize the response of a Silicon on Insulator (SOI) Micro-Electro-Mechanical Resonator (MEMR) to various gas mixtures and concentrations. This miniature device, developed by Professor Guvench of the University of Southern Maine, will be ultimately be used for gas sensing and frequency control applications in high temperature environments. The chip will be packaged in combination with a thermocouple and heater element to facilitate testing of the chip for high temperature characterization. The control system developed employs Lab View as the software platform for interfacing, communication, data acquisition and control. A PID control loop has been developed within the master Lab View program to measure, monitor and maintain the temperature of the chip at a predetermined test temperature. An IOtech Personal DAQ/Series 3000 data acquisition module is used to coordinate communication between the Lab View Program and all inputs and outputs for the test system. The Lab View program also controls the injection time and flow rate of the gases and measures the frequency response of the resonator. The mechanical portions of the test system were designed to facilitate both redundancy and ease of replacement should maintenance become necessary. The project was funded by grants from: NASA, Maine Space Grant Consortium and USM Faculty Senate NASA, Maine Space Grant Consortium and USM Faculty Senate