Bird Conservation and Research in the Colorado River Delta.


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Presentation transcript:

Bird Conservation and Research in the Colorado River Delta

SONORAN JOINT VENTURE Bi-national Bird Conservation

Bird Projects in the Colorado River Delta Population trends and habitat affinities of marshbirds Migration patterns of Neotropical Migratory Landbirds Avian response to habitat regeneration and instream flows

Bird Projects in the Colorado River Delta Productivity and survivorship of riparian songbirds Abundance and habitat affinities of Burrowing Owls Effect of contaminants on the avifauna of the delta

Population Trends of Marshbirds Call-response surveys for Yuma Clapper Rails and California Black Rails 20 routes; 100 point counts Two times per year: March and May since 1999

Monitoring Rails Long-term project Assess changes in population abundance of Rails and provide information for their conservation Community involvement Guide management activities of the Biosphere Reserve Evaluate restoration projects

Training Workshop for Monitoring Marshbirds in NW Mexico – March 21-23, 2003

Population trend at the Ciénega

Yuma Clapper Rails at Rio Hardy

Neotropical Migratory Landbirds The delta as an important stopover and breeding site for migratory landbirds Two banding protocols: migration and MAPS

Banding at El Doctor and the Colorado River

Stopover sites in Coastal Sonora

Results Over birds captured and processed in 2 years 58 species Average capture rate: 1.21 birds per net-hour Maximum birds in one day: 280 (May 8, 2003)

Results Data to understand patterns of migration through the Sonoran coast Document the importance of stopover sites along the desert and coastal areas Contribute to the understanding of migratory routes on western NA

Birds per net-hour at El Doctor

SpeciesFat = 0Fat < 5%Fat < 30% SWTH WEFL WIWA WIFL WETA YWAR WAVI All Fat levels

Avian response to habitat regeneration and instream flows 30 transects, 240 point counts along the Colorado River floodplain From San Luis, downstream to confluence with Rio Hardy and Ayala Drain Monthly surveys, since May 2002

Burrowing Owls in the Delta Estimate abundance (distance sampling) and determine habitat affinities (GIS and remote sensing) Results: very abundant! 3,818 BUOW’s (95% C.I – 4350) Strong preference for agricultural areas and agricultural drains

Conservation and Restoration Projects

Restoration at Colorado and Hardy Rivers: Partnerships with tourist camps…

…partnerships with native tribes…

…partnerships with ejidos…

…and partnerships with agencies…

Bird Conservation in the Delta Bird Conservation Plan for the Colorado River Delta Workshop for Conservation Priorities in the Delta Management Guidelines for the Colorado Floodplain Master Restoration Plan for the Delta

Next steps Long term monitoring Binational management of the watershed; environmental considerations for water management Increase restoration and conservation efforts Purchase water rights to maintain a modest instream flow