RS and GIS: UWGB 2011 Dutch, Fermanich and Stiefvater
Remote Sensing
What is Remote Sensing? Acquisition of physical data of an object without touch or contact. Observation of a target by a device separate from it by some distance. ”Reconnaissance at a distance.” Depends on context. Some definitions include Geophysical (seismic, magnetic, gravitational, acoustical, & nuclear decay radiation surveys) These days usually implies more than mere visual processing
What Sensors Detect Electromagnetic radiation –Radio –Infrared (thermal) –Visible –Ultraviolet –X-Ray and gamma ray Force fields –Gravity –Magnetism Acoustic energy –Audible –Ultrasonic –Infrasonic –Seismic
Sensors Cameras Radiometers and scanners Lasers Radio frequency receivers Radar systems Sonar Thermal devices Seismographs Magnetometers Gravimeters Scintillometers
Fig. 18-2, p.430
Remote Sensing
Source of the radiation being sensed may or may not be independent of the sensing device. Passive remote sensing relies on the radiation originating from some other source, principally the sun. –Often Visible, NIR
Source of the radiation being sensed may or may not be independent of the sensing device. Active remote sensing devices, such as radar, direct radiation of a particular form towards an object and then detect the amount of that energy which is radiated by the object. –microwave and radio wave regions of the EM spectrum. –Lidar (Laser Imaging raDAR) systems :ultraviolet, visible and near infrared wavelengths.)
Applications Land UseGeologyHydrologyVegetationSoils GIS Extracted Info Sensor Data Physical Object
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data –Vector –Raster Metadata (Data About the Data) –When, how, by whom acquired –What the data means –How accurate is the Data –How the Computer should deal with Data
Image of the day Where: Southern Chile When: January 19, 2009 Chaiten Volcano, Chile
Image of the day Where: Southern Chile When: January 19, 2009 What’s being sensed? –Ash plume and previous ash falls –Dispersal patterns and paths Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)(ASTER) –Multi spectral including visible and IR Satellite: NASA’s Terra (launched Feb. 2000)
Why Chaiten is Neat
Image of the Day Rehearse Scale, location, orientation Be able to pronounce terms correctly Anticipate questions –Effects on people and environment –Unusual features in image –How data acquired