Road Map To Success
Freshman - EXPLORING What are my interests? What are my abilities? What are my skills? What else do I need to know? What characteristics do I need to develop? What can I learn from my part- time job that relates to my major? Get involved - Volunteer
Sophomores…DEFINING Identify 2-3 career options Talk with professionals/ job shadow Find related internships/ employment Increase campus/community involvement Volunteer Attend All-University Career Fair Develop a network
Career Strategies Review for Freshmen and Sophomores Keep your grades up Identify your interests, skills, values and personal characteristics Actively explore career options Become active in extracurricular activities and clubs Get involved in community service Develop computer skills Develop writing skills Complete at least one internship in your chosen field Gain an appreciation of diversity through study abroad, foreign languages and courses Use Career and Employment Services all four years from
Juniors…RESEARCHING Find major-related internships/ employment Attend information sessions and mock interviews by employers Develop mentors Join professional associations Attend the All University Career Fair with resume in hand Further develop your network
Seniors…IMPLEMENTING Job Search Attend All University Career Fair Interview on and off campus Explore the Hidden job market Use your network Land a job