Muscles of Mastication Jaw closing muscles Masseter Temporalis Medial pterygoid Jaw opening muscles Lateral pterygoid Inferior head Superior head Anterior digastric 05/23/05 Review
Masseter Origin: zygomatic process of the maxilla and inferior border of zygomatic arch Insertion: angle of the mandible inferior, lateral side of ramus Innervation: masseteric nerve Function: elevate mandible 05/23/05 Review
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Temporalis Origin: temporal fossa and temporal fascia Insertion: coronoid process of the mandible Innervation: temporal nerve Function: elevate mandible 05/23/05 Review
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Medial Pterygoid Origin: pterygoid fossa on medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate Insertion: medial surface of angle of the mandible Innervation: medial pterygoid nerve Function: elevate mandible 05/23/05 Review
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Sphenoid 05/23/05 Review
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Origin of Medial Pterygoid 05/23/05 Review
Lateral Pterygoid -- Inferior Head Origin: lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate Insertion: anterior neck of mandible Innervation: branch of masseteric or buccal nerve Function: pull condyle and disk along the eminence 05/23/05 Review
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Origin of Lateral Pterygoid, Inferior head 05/23/05 Review
Lateral Pterygoid -- Superior Head Origin: infratemporal fossa of greater sphenoid wing Insertion: anterior neck of the mandible Innervation: branch of masseteric or buccal nerve Function: pull condyle and disk along the eminence 05/23/05 Review
Superior Head of Lateral Pterygoid 05/23/05 Review
Digastric Origin: posterior digastric mastoid notch of temporal bone Insertion: anterior digastric lingual, inferior border of the mandible Innervation: Posterior digastric--facial nerve Anterior digastric--mylohyoid, mandibular nerve Function: Lower mandible, raise hyoid 05/23/05 Review
Thank you and Best of Luck! 05/23/05 Review