Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Magnetic Measuring Facility (MMF) Outline Summary of Facility Requirements Team Facility Layout Pre-Construction Activities Construction activities and Status to Date Safety Program Budget and Schedule Technical Challenges (Risks) Management Challenges Path Forward
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Site Location Building 081-MMF LCLS Undulator Hall BTH PEP Ring Road NORTH LINAC B48-ROB 280
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Facility Design Requirements Technical Note LCLS-TN-041-Z Space Requirements Environmental Stability (3 areas) Space Temperature: ± 0.1 °C short term may go up to 0.3°C if < 1Hr Relative Humidity: 45%± 5% Other areas: ±1°C and ±2.5°C Vibration <0.5 microns-MM Lab Utility Requirements Electrical (new 800A, 12.47KV feeder MMF Bldg Upgrade) Other (compressed air and small chiller for User’s equipment)
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, MMF Facility Uses Undulator magnet tuning – 2 magnet measuring machine test stands Aligned with same orientation to Earth’s magnetic field as LCLS Undulator Hall. Undulator fiducialization – large coordinate measuring machine Cradle assembly area Magnet storage/temperature acclimation Work desks in lab and office space for 2 employees
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Resultant Facility Criteria ~4,800 sq. ft. floor space (inc. ~3,000 laboratory space, mech Rm) + mezzanine 1,400 sf (HVAC & Electrical) Locate within an existing building to aid in temperature control Adequate ceiling height for overhead cranes Accessible for magnet delivery using trucks and forklifts Electrical service – 800A, 480v, 3 Ø (New Feeder to building)
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Teamwork Future Users Magnetic Measurement Facility (MMF) Robert Ruland – Alignment Mgr Zachary Wolf – User Conventional Facilities-WBS 1.09 David Saenz – CF Sys Manager Jim Welch – CF Systems Physicist Javier A. Sevilla-CF Project/CAM K.Chan, K. Yang-CEF UTR Richard Hislop & M. Scharfenstein– Safety & ESH Anita Malahowski –Cost/Schedule General Contractor and Subs Building Occupants (Stores, Transportation, Receiving, Property Jacobs (A&E Title III) GC & Contractors DOE SSO
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Floor Space Allocation-Bldg. 081 SHIPPING & RECEIVING EQUIPMENT REPAIR VEHICLE SHOP Offices (N) MCC-B081 Front Rear (N) Fire Alarm Panel AP Receiving PC Transportation Stores MMF
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Building 081 Site Plan Before Now Haz Mat
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, MMF Ground Floor Plan Coordinate Measuring Area ~ 1,000 ft. sq. Cradle Assembly Area ~325 ft. sq. Magnet Loading and Storage ~850 ft. sq. ± 2.5°C ± 1°C, 45% RH ±5 Magnet Measuring Lab ~1,800 ft. sq. ± 0.1°C, 45%RH ±5 Rear Mechanical Room ~256 ft. sq.
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Mezzanine Floor Plan Mezzanine for Mechanical/Electrical Equipment in Conditioned space 4 Air handling Units 1 Motor Control Center, X-trmr, Panels, 1 small Compressor HVAC Control Panel Equipment: Rear MCC-MMF (on-site)
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, NORTH CMM Test stands Demising Wall
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Pre-Construction Activities Selection of General Contractor based on specific criteria Review of subcontractors qualifications (electrical, controls and mechanical) Pre-Construction Meeting Review of Contractor Safety Plan Site mobilization Order LLP equipment
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, General Contractor and Subcontractors Team Project Manager: Steve Winslow Project Superintendent: Gary Meadows Project Engineer: Kevin Ng Safety Coordinator: Craig Pancoast President: Eric Raff Subs: AIM AMS ASI SJS North Star Blue water
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Construction Progress New Demising WallDemolition Work
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Work Completed and On-Going Demolition of (e) offices Asbestos Abatement New demising wall and others walls Excavation New concrete footings New fence Wet Sprinkler System Steel Fabrication MEP Layout
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Work Progress Footings for Test Stands No. 1 & 2 Footings for Test Stand No. 1
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Safety Program Alignment of Goals and Objectives LCLS Environmental, Safety ad Health Plan Contractor’s Site Specific Safety Plan PM, CEF and LCLS UTR’s ES&H SME Building Occupants ZERO ACCIDENTS DOE SO
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Budget & Schedule Title III Construction $2.5M (excludes: fire alarm building upgrade B081, roof repair and some stores relocation costs) Electrical Feeder (12.47KV, Transformer and MCC): 460K$ Total TPC: 3.0 M$ Bidding and Award First bids due May 5, 2005 Re-bid combined with S20: July 7, Awarded: July 28, 2005 Kick Off meeting: August 22, 2005 Mobilization on site: August 29, 2005 Beneficial Occupancy, LCLS L4 February,
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Critical Path Schedule L4: BO Feb
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Risks Internal technical: Not achieving the Temperature and Stability requirements Plan: Design reviews, constructability and commissioning plan Internal non-technical: Delays in the BO date Plan: Use Good planning and effective Project Management approach, and select only “qualified” contractors including subs Internal non-technical: Safety accidents Plan: Strict implementation of Safety Plans and Procedures
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Management Challenges Schedule and Resources Support form other SLAC’s Departments (ES&H, CEF) Prioritization of activities On-Going implementation of new Policies at SLAC (UTR responsibilities, Authority and Oversight)
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Path Forward Continue partnership with ALL stakeholders Continue to enforce Safety Regulations to All Sub- Contractors Strict implementation and compliance of drawings and technical specifications to meet User’s requirements Continue Construction towards Testing and Commissioning Strict Schedule and Cost Controls Execute an integrated verification of: operational performance, testing, complete documentation and training of SLAC personnel, which will operate and maintain this Facility.
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, Magnetic Measuring Facility (MMF) SUMMARY Summary of Facility Requirements Team Facility Layout Pre-Construction activities to date Construction activities and Status to Date Safety Program Budget and Schedule Technical Challenges (Risks) Management Challenges Path Forward Thanks !
Javier A. Sevilla MMF FAC Review October 27, END