New and old grading structures NEW STRUCTURE 8 grades51 points£ k Academic 4 grades21 points£ k Research 4 grades24 points£ k ALCOR 5 grades24 points£ k Admin & Related 6 grades37 points£ k Technical 9 grades41 points£ k Manual (standard) 4 grades0 points£ k Manual (trade) 4 grades0 points£ k Manual (protected) 4 grades0 points£12.3-£16.6k
HERA points and current pay H E R A S C O R E S S A L A R Y L E V E L S (£)
New grading structure S A L A R Y L E V E L S (£) H E R A S C O R E S
Green circling Assimilation is to temporary minimum points on new grades Maximum 219 staff Backdated to October 2005 ALCOR, Technical and Administrative and Related groups only Cost of back-dating £433k in current year
Red circling Maximum 200 staff ALCOR, Technical and Administrative and Related groups 4 years’ pay protection Remain on 2005/06 salary, with annual RPI increase only Personal development plans Possible market pay supplements Guidelines for managers
The employment context York unemployment low Unemployment (ILO count) 3% residents in % York employers had vacancies in 2005 By 2010 an additional 1000 employees needed in York outside education Heslington East by 2019: 1400 jobs Science City activities by 2019: up to 1500 York Central planning brief: ‘immense potential’ for jobs