MEAM 620 Project Report Nima Moshtagh
Vision-based Motion Planning (Visual Servoing) Definition: Use visual information to control the pose of the robot’s end-effector (robot Manipulators) or a vehicle (mobile robot) relative to a target object. It provides a closed-loop position control for a robot end-effector. Two Types: Postion-based Image-based
Types of Visual Servoing Position-based: Extract features from images. Estimate the pose of the target. Compute a feedback that reduces the error in the estimated pose. Cartesian Control Law Image Feature extraction Pose Estimation Camera Video robot + - Xd f X
Types of Visual Servoing Image-base: Extract features from images. Compute control values in terms of features. Feature Space Control Law Image Feature extraction Camera Video robot + - fd f
Camera Projection Models Regular camera (Perspective projection) Image plane Object Z X Y (X,Y,Z) (xim,yim) View point l
Camera Projection Models Fish-eye lens (Spherical Projection) FOV
Motion Planning in the Image Plane for Mobile Robots To specify a desired position for the mobile robot in the image plane and compute a control law that achieves the goal by avoiding obstacles. The positioning accuracy of the system is less sensitive to the errors in the camera calibration. In visual servoing we are interested in determining the robot velocity required to achieve some desired value . (similar to the inverse kinematics problem)
Example: ER1 Robot w Kinematics Model x y z V State vector Feature vector Image Jacobian inputs