An XMM-Newton International Survey (AXIS): A progress report Xavier Barcons & Francisco Carrera Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC) on behalf of.


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Presentation transcript:

An XMM-Newton International Survey (AXIS): A progress report Xavier Barcons & Francisco Carrera Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC) on behalf of the AXIS consortium and the XMM Survey Science Centre XID wg

The AXIS team Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (Germany): Y. Hashimoto, G. Hasinger, G. Lamer, G. Szokoly, A. Schwope Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements (France): N. Webb Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge (UK): R.G. McMahon, A.C. Fabian, C.S. Crawford Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Tenerife (Spain):I. Pérez-Fournon Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Santander (Spain): X. Barcons, F.J. Carrera, M.T. Ceballos, S. Mateos Laboratorio de Astrofísica Espacial y Física Fundamental, Madrid (Spain): J.M. Mas-Hesse Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestriche Physik (Germany): T. Boller Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL (UK): M.S. Cropper, K.O. Mason, J.P.D. Mittaz, M.J. Page, S. R. Rosen Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (France): C. Motch, P. Guillout, L. Mirioni, I. Negueruela Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano (Italy): T. Maccacaro, R. Della Ceca, P. Severgnini University of Bristol (UK): D.M. Worrall, M. Bremer, M. Birkinshaw University of Central Lancashire (UK): G.E. Bromage, B.J.M. Hassall University of Leicester, (UK): M.G. Watson, J.P. Pye, G.C. Stewart, T. Roberts, J.P. Osborne, N. Schurch, P.J. Wheatley, M.J. Ward, R.S. Warwick XMM Science Operations Centre, (Spain): N. Schartel

The XMM Survey Science Centre XID programme n Expect 50,000 new X-ray sources/year n Core programme (1000 sources/sample): –High b faint sample ( erg cm -2 s -1 ) –High b medium sample ( erg cm -2 s -1 ) –High b bright sample ( erg cm -2 s -1 ) –Galactic Plane Sample n Imaging programme (u,g’,r’,i’,Z,H) n Statistical identifications based on X-ray properties & imaging programme.

The Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos JKT (1.0) GTC (10) TNG (3.5) INT (2.5) WHT (4.2) NOT (2.5)

AXIS:Breakdown of observing nights We are here now!

AXIS instruments used

AXIS wide-field imaging Optical: INT/WFC Near IR: INT/CIRSI (includes M. Watson’s PATT Imaging proposal)

AXIS: Search for candidate counterparts i’-band sources within either: 5  (statistical) or 5 arcsec Clusters? Reddened sources? AGNs beyond the Galaxy?

Candidate counterparts & systematics Count rate > ct s -1 |b|>10º Single candidate counterpart 108 sources 66% x 1 =2 , 33% P(x|x 0 )=|x-x 0 |* exp(-|x-x 0 | 2 /2) P obs (x)=f 0 *P(x|0)+ f 1 *P(x|x 1 ) f 0 =0.67; x 0 =0 (fixed) f 1 =0.33; x 1 =2.0 

AXIS identifications (as of March 1, 2001)

The AXIS medium sample n 35 sources brighter than erg cm -2 s -1 in the keV band (2 XMM fields, excluding targets). n 32/35 identified (>90%); remaining 3 have i’>22.5

Medium sample: offsets

Medium sample: L-z

Medium sample: z distribution Most objects at z~1-2 as expected from XRB synthesis models

Medium sample: type 1 vs type 2 AGN n Expect ~60% of AGN to be unabsorbed in the Comastri et al XRB model n We find 22/34 (65%) BLAGN among the extragalactic sources

Medium Sample: BAL QSOs n BAL QSOs in previous X-ray surveys: –1 in Chandra deep survey (Giacconi et al 2001) –1 in hard X-ray selected ROSAT sample (Page et al 2001) –1 in ISO/BeppoSAX survey (Alexander et al 2001) n In the medium sample we have 1 confirmed and 2 highly suggestive BAL QSOs (~5-10% of BLAGN): –Higher sensitivity of XMM-Newton –Harder photon energies 4.5 keV)

Medium sample: BAL QSO spectra Medium sample: BAL QSO spectra Z=1.82 z=1.91 z=0.79? z=1.82

AXIS Galactic Plane sample: the G field (b=-1º) SS279

A Be+NS/WD? accreting binary

AXIS Galactic Plane sample: Active Coronae Higher sensitivity highlights AC with very weak e.l.s

AXIS expectations We are here now!

Conclusions n Sensitivity & response to hard X-rays of XMM-Newton make it sensitive to new classes of objects n Medium sample (> erg cm -2 s -1 ): –68% of sources are BLAGNs (consistency with unified XRB models) –z-distribution peaks at z~1-2 –5-10% of BLAGNS are BALs n Galactic Plane: –Active Coronae with very weak emission lines –Accreting binaries