Eucaryotes v.s procaryotes multicellular organisms v.s. single cells stem cell.


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Presentation transcript:

eucaryotes v.s procaryotes multicellular organisms v.s. single cells stem cell

A schematic diagram of an animal cell accompanied by electron micrographs of its organelles

Figure 4 A drawing of a plant cell accompanied by electron micrographs of its organelles.

Scale drawings of some prokaryotic cells

A schematic diagram of a prokaryotic cell

eucaryotes v.s procaryotes multicellular organisms v.s. single cells stem cell

An evolutionary tree indicating the lines of cellular life on earth

eucaryotes v.s procaryotes multicellular organisms v.s. single cells stem cell

Drawings of some cells:(a)an osteocyte (bone cell), (b)a sperm, (c)a pancreatic and (d)a neuron (nerve cell)

受精卵全能細胞 多功能幹細胞 胚胎 嬰兒 Gearhart 博士所提取之 原始生殖細胞 實驗室培養 多功能幹細胞 Thomson 博士所提取之 多功能幹細胞

全能細胞 多功能幹細胞 血液幹細胞 其他幹細胞 紅血球白血球血小板

細菌 colony

Isolation of single colony

Antibiotics resistance

Cellular morphologies coccoid rod-shaped, vibrioid spirilloid (helical)


