CS 326 A: Motion Planning robotics.stanford.edu/~latombe/cs326/2004/index.htm Collision Detection and Distance Computation: Feature Tracking Methods
Main Approaches Hierarchical bounding volume hierarchies Feature tracking (pairs of closest features)
With Bounding Volume Hierarchies Dynamic Collision Checking
With Feature Tracking: Dynamic Collision Checking Particularly useful when the motion is checked while being executed, e.g., as in haptics. Requires spatio-temporal assumption to be satisfied: Under a small relative motion of the objects, the tracked features change undergo small changes
Feature Tracking Methods Only update the tracked features at “critical events” when they may change KDS (Kinetic Data Structure methods) [Guibas et al.] Fixed or arbitrary small discretization This class’s papers: 1. Lin and Canny method (+ V-Clip of B. Mirtich) 2. Application to detecting self-collisions in humanoid robots (Kuffner et al.)
Combining Bounding Volume and Feature Tracking Methods T.Y. Li and J.S. Chen Incremental 3D Collision Detection with Hierar-chical Data Structures,Proc. ACM Symp. on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, p , Taipei, Taiwan
Combining Bounding Volume and Feature Tracking Methods S.A. Ehmann and M.C. Lin. Accurate and Fast Proximity Queries Between Polyhedra Using Convex Surface Decomposition. Proc Eurographics, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp , Use BVH to quickly identify close pairs of polyhedra Use feature-tracking to check these pairs