Recommendations.  Use Inventory to serve as a valuable tool to support local, regional and statewide decision makers on issues involving water-dependant.


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Presentation transcript:


 Use Inventory to serve as a valuable tool to support local, regional and statewide decision makers on issues involving water-dependant natural resources.  Include potential impacts and risks to water- dependant natural resources in the evaluation of future water supply options.

 Adhere to four Principals for Water Supply Development Revolving Fund 1.Dependable and Predictable revenue source 2.Adequate Funding  Loans within 7 to 10 years 3.Mix of Revenue Sources  Equitable  Broadly based across all sectors, with funding from direct beneficiaries 4.Beneficiaries Should Contribute  Repayment of loans by beneficiaries creates ability to loan to future projects

 Time Constraints/Limitations ◦ Evaluate potential decreases in demand due to water conservation ◦ Review additional Colorado River shortage scenarios ◦ Incorporate 2010 U.S. Census data  Additional data analyses recommendations ◦ Recognize “Inventory of Water-Dependent Natural Resources” as a resource document for decision makers throughout the state. ◦ Establish and maintain a central repository for the data developed through WRDC process. Support continuing ADWR effort to refine and update data.

 Create and support a continuing ADWR effort to refine, update, expand and use all information generated by the committees in this process.  Focus future efforts on collection and analysis of water use data, particularly within rural areas.  Focus future efforts on collection and analysis of hydrogeologic data in order to better estimate basin and local area recharge, groundwater storage, water level trends and other basin characteristics and water budget components.  Include research and data collection regarding water supplies that support water-dependent natural resources and methods should be developed that support the integration of environmental issues into future evaluations of water supply and demand.

LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS COMMITTEE Recommends that the WRDC direct the committee to continue discussions pertaining to development of final recommendations regarding legislation for funding the Water Supply Development Revolving fund and legislation enabling formation of a state or regional water augmentation authority through the sunset date of WRDC or September 30, 2012

 Potential topics ◦ Additional research and evaluation ◦ Alternative financing options ◦ Process for timing or prioritization of projects Others?

 Receive edits and comments from commission members by end of business on September 16, 2011  Revise and re-distribute by end of business on September 23, 2011  Final approval on September 30, 2011  Transmit to governor, speaker of the house and president of the senate on Monday, October 3, 2011

 Legislative Recommendations  Additional Analysis / Refinement ◦ 2010 Census Data ◦ Available / Developable Supplies ◦ Other  Project / Geographic Area Prioritization  Other