P2P as a Discovery Instrument for Multi-Agent Ubiquitous Middleware P2P as a Discovery Instrument for Multi-Agent Ubiquitous Middleware A work-package of the UBIWARE project Artem Katasonov
UBIWAREUBIWARE Goal: Interoperability of (industrial) entities of different nature
field crew operator expert consumers owner manager administration UBIWARE (2)
Motivation for P2P feature IEEE FIPA agent system model: An entity called Directory Facilitator (DF): Agents register themselves so others can discover them. In UBIWARE is central because all interactions are role-based. Effective and efficient, but a bottleneck Can render the whole system unusable if it failed. Duplicating DF? Peer-to-Peer?
WP: Middleware for P2P Discovery P2P as a complementary mechanism which can be utilized in an exception situation where DF became for some reason unavailable. 1. System always starts with a DF. 2. After some time of operation, big part of DF knowledge gets, piece by piece, copied into local knowledge storages of different agents on the platform. 3. Combination of local storages = distributed DF. 4. Need for P2P mechanism to work with such distributed DF. Maximum survivability
WP objectives Develop P2P mechanisms that would enable an agent: To discover agents playing a certain organizational role. To discover an agent (or agents) possessing certain needed information. To discover resources (through its agents) of certain type or possessing certain properties, e.g.: A device of type X in some state Y. A (mobile) web-resource providing some information searched for. A human of a certain profession
WP tasks (as originally planned) 1. The Enabling phase Study of P2P networks and mobile P2P networks. Analysis of basic mechanisms needed for extending the UBIWARE platform with P2P resource discovery. 2. The Discovery phase Design of an effective P2P resource discovery infrastructure for UBIWARE, including related inter-agent communication protocols. 3. The Efficiency phase Development of P2P resource discovery algorithms increasing the efficiency of the P2P search for cases of a very large number of participating resources.
UBIWARE agent architecture Live activity Script-Roles ActivityActivityActivity Activity Assign Role Assign Role activity Beliefs storage Smart Resource Agent.class Pool of Atomic Behaviours Ontology of the Roles Reusable atomic behaviors (RABs) Componentization Extensibility Dynamic composition A P2P algorithm Another P2P algorithm Accessing personal web-server to make mobile Google Accessing phone book to make ”painter search”
What about… Instead of searching for / trying to develop a killer mobile P2P application, to create a generic extensible P2P platform, so that the user community will be able to create their own applications?