GEOL3045: Planetary Geology Lysa Chizmadia 16 Jan 2007 The Origin of Our Solar System Lysa Chizmadia 16 Jan 2007 The Origin of Our Solar System
Images from: Interstellar Cloud Collapse Initially, Interstellar Cloud of gas and/or dust Interstellar cloud of gas and dust disturbed and collapsed under its own gravity Probably due to shock waves from near-by supernova As collapses, cloud heats up, starts to rotate and compresses in center T enough to vaporize dust Takes ~ 100,000 years (100 ka) Initially, Interstellar Cloud of gas and/or dust Interstellar cloud of gas and dust disturbed and collapsed under its own gravity Probably due to shock waves from near-by supernova As collapses, cloud heats up, starts to rotate and compresses in center T enough to vaporize dust Takes ~ 100,000 years (100 ka)
Protostar & Accretion Disk Due to rotation, nebula flattens into disk Center compresses into protostar & rest of gas rotates around it Gas flows into protostar, protostar grows into star Centrifugal forces keep some gas from falling in Accretion disk Due to rotation, nebula flattens into disk Center compresses into protostar & rest of gas rotates around it Gas flows into protostar, protostar grows into star Centrifugal forces keep some gas from falling in Accretion disk Images from: and Orion Nebula
Thermodynamic Condensation Gas starts to cool, eventually condenses into solids First solids = most refractory ( T) E.g. Ca, Al, Ti oxides with some silicates I.e. CAIs (Ca, Al-rich inclusions) Thermodynamic condensation With T, less refractory elements condense Mg > Si > Cr > Mn > Na > K > Fe > Ni > S Gas starts to cool, eventually condenses into solids First solids = most refractory ( T) E.g. Ca, Al, Ti oxides with some silicates I.e. CAIs (Ca, Al-rich inclusions) Thermodynamic condensation With T, less refractory elements condense Mg > Si > Cr > Mn > Na > K > Fe > Ni > S Image from: Davis and Richter (2007) Treatise of Geochemistry vol. 1, chpt 15, p410
Ca, Al-rich Inclusions Ca, Al, Ti, Si, Mg Oxides & Silicates T >1300 K Pb-Pb dating Ga Confirmed by Rb-Sr & Sm-Nd dating 26 Al excess > 2 Ma older than all other materials Ca, Al, Ti, Si, Mg Oxides & Silicates T >1300 K Pb-Pb dating Ga Confirmed by Rb-Sr & Sm-Nd dating 26 Al excess > 2 Ma older than all other materials Images from personal archive
Dust Balls Solids start to accrete together into dust balls Image from:
Chondrule Formation Transient heating events form chondrules & igneous CAIs fgr olv Images from: Jones (1990) Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta v54 p1785 and
Run-Away Growth Solids continue to accrete into planetessimals Run-away growth Planetessimals grow into planetary embryos Gas blown out of system due to high solar winds Planetary embryos grow into planets Moon to Mars sized Ma planetary embryos in inner solar system Solids continue to accrete into planetessimals Run-away growth Planetessimals grow into planetary embryos Gas blown out of system due to high solar winds Planetary embryos grow into planets Moon to Mars sized Ma planetary embryos in inner solar system Images from: and
Summary 1) Solar System formed from collapse of interstellar molecular cloud Heats up and vaporizes all dust 2) As nebula cools down, condensation of solid materials Most refractory elements first, followed by more and more volatile elements 3) Solids accrete in run-away growth Dust balls Planetessimals Planetary Embryos Planets 1) Solar System formed from collapse of interstellar molecular cloud Heats up and vaporizes all dust 2) As nebula cools down, condensation of solid materials Most refractory elements first, followed by more and more volatile elements 3) Solids accrete in run-away growth Dust balls Planetessimals Planetary Embryos Planets