Chatting & Shopping Online by Nicole
Chatting Online Asynchronous – ; Discussion Board Synchronous — Chat (real time) Types of Chat Web based Chat: Yahoo Chat ; Benway ’ s Chat PagesYahoo ChatBenway ’ s Chat Pages Webcam Chat (face to face): Netmeeting,Netmeeting Instant Messengers:ICQ, MSN MessengersICQMSN Messengers Internet Relay Chat: (IRC): mIRCmIRC
What is Etiquette the set of rules or customs which control accepted behavior in particular social groups or social situations. What is Netiquette: the set of rules about behavior that is acceptable when writing an or talking to people in a chat room. ---From Cambridge Advanced Learner ’ s Dictionary
Etiquette on the Chat Never use your real name; gender neutral Lurking — before you jump into the conversation, observe it for a while to get a feel for it. NEVER full capital — considering shouting Flaming: don ’ t involved in abusive exchanges Avoid sending long messages
Ground Rules for Keeping Safe Never give out your personal information, even somebody ask for it (name, address, workplace, school name, phone numbers, or address) Choose a bland nickname (gender neutral) Never give out your password or follow somebody ’ s command or receive files from someone you don ’ t know. Be aware of where you are
Netiquette Quiz Let ’ s take a quiz at
E-tailers E-tailer : a business that uses the Internet to sell its products Retail: the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in small quantities Retailer :a person, shop or business that sells goods to the public Wholesaler: someone who buys and sells goods in large amounts to shops and businesses:
Shopping Bot Shopping Bots: are electronic crawlers, who do the research for you by keeping track of merchandise offering and prices of thousands of e-tailers.
Hands-on Practice 1. Please search the most inexpensive price for your textbook from one of the following websites: Textbook: How the Internet Works (Millennium Edition) by Preston Gralla; Copyright 1999 by Que ISBN: Websites :Powell ’ s Bookshttp:// Ecampus Ask Jeeves Send your findings (website; keywords; book status (used/new..); price; handling charge; shipping charge; delivery method..) on your own blog. (DO NOT BUY IT UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT To )