Topic: How Old is Old? Geologic Time Broadcast 4: February 7, 2001 Mrs. Joan Linsley
Relative vs. Absolute Time Relative: the age of a rock layer in relation to other nearby layers. The precise length of geologic time represented by any layer is often unknown. Absolute: the age of a rock or mineral in numbers of years.
Geologic Time
Terms/Tools for Determining Age Biostratigraphical Unit: definition of the boundaries of a rock layer based on the ages of fossils within it Lithostratigraphical Unit: definition of the boundaries of a rock layer based on the physical characteristics of the rocks within Chronostratigraphical Unit: division of a section of rock based on the absolute ages of the rocks within it Geochronology: development of a time- line of events relating to the deposition or creation of rocks in a given area
Use of Fossils Fossils provide a record of the slow, progressive development of life. Through the use of index fossils, one may identify a particular layer of rock wherever it is exposed. Scientists use fossils to identify ages of rocks throughout the world.
Guest Dr. Michael Howell Paleontologist University of South Carolina
Time for: Ask A Question!!