GPS Waypoint Navigation 525 Team M-3: Nicholas Bannister, Charles Norman, Jeremy Weagley, Julio Segundo, Steve Nielsen Presentation 1: Preliminary Design Proposal January 25, 2006
Application Description We are designing a GPS based waypoint navigation system for use in an aircraft. The system will be able to autopilot the craft through a series of user specified GPS coordinates in 2 dimensions (altitude will be assumed to remain constant).
Why Use a Chip? Our system would be perfect for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) due to its light weight, low power consumption, low cost, and specific capabilities The system is designed to do exactly what UAVs are best at: flying over an area in order to observe it. The UAV has many military and civilian applications.
System Flow Inputs will consist of GPS coordinates for the vehicle itself taken from a satellite and also coordinates given by a user. The system will sample the position of the craft, calculate the course corrections that must be made in order to proceed toward the waypoint, and load a new waypoint upon reaching the current one. Block Description FSM Controller – Controls state flow in system Vector Calculator – Calculates desired vector from plane to waypoint SRAM – Stores up to 10 GPS waypoint coordinate sets Derivative – Calculates aircraft’s velocity vector Rudder Controller – Calculates adjustments necessary to maintain course Waypoint Reached Comparator – Decides whether craft is sufficiently close to the current waypoint
Block Level System Diagram
Rough Transistor Estimate Component Number of Transistors Finite State Machine 150 SRAM2000 Vector Calculation (~2 adders, ~2 subtractors) 4000 Discrete-Time Derivative 500 Waypoint Reached Comparison (~2 subtractors, ~2 comparators) 4000 Rudder Controller (Combinational Logic 500 Total11,150
Alternate Projects Considered A parking garage management system A smart sensor system A swimming pool monitor A PID controller A guitar tuner/effects processor
What’s Next… Here are some things we’ll have to consider next… How best to keep the aircraft on course? Angle calculation a possibility? Dynamic waypoint management – could users be able to adjust waypoints mid-flight? How precise to make our coordinate system? Currently we’re encoding 16-bit coordinates. Additional functionality? Questions? Bueller?