Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20021 NEST Demo: Distributed Control Or, Catch the Bad Guy
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20022 System Requirements Locate an evader in a sensor network Transport evader data out of network Use evader information for real-time control –Tracking system –Autonomous pursuer Demo Team: Jason Hill, Philip Levis, Kamin Whitehouse, Sarah Bergbreiter, Bruno Sinopoli, Luca Schenato, Shawn Schaffert
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20023 System Architecture Sensor Network Tracker Evader Pursuer Data Processing
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20024 Sensing Magnetometer –Evader (adversary) –Delta, steady, drift –Jason Sounder / tone detector –Pursuer (cooperative) –Time of flight / ranging –Kamin
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20025 Local Data Aggregation, Transport Local advertisement of readings Local data aggregation Group leader selection Link-level acknowledgements Geographic routes Rotating parent selection Jason
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20026 Data Processing Evader path estimation from magnetometer –Luca Pursuer position estimation from sounder –Kamin
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20027 Tracker Calibrate to regular mote grid Transform sensor readings to camera coordinate space Actuate camera Using PC: Shawn and Luca Using mote: Phil
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20028 Pursuer Given estimated position data, catch evader Limited robotic control (simple car) Interfacing TinyOS to robot hardware Sarah and Bruno Incomplete
Philip Levis UC Berkeley 6/17/20029 Coming up next… In-depth presentations on individual pieces of system