Investigation of polarizing mirrors at nm The goal of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of polarizing mirrors at = nm designed within the framework of the Lyman Lyot Coronograph Imager project. Optical constants of the materials involved in the multilayers are determined experimentally. Reflectivity measurements in the VUV wavelength domain have been performed at PTB (Synchrotron at BESSY II, Berlin). Simulations, deposits, measurements and characterizations were made and first experimental results are in good agreement with calculated predictions. F. Bridou, M. Cuniot-Ponsard, J-M. Desvignes Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l’Institut d’Optique Palaiseau, France Summary Required specifications Parameters Spécifications Justification Incidence angle30° à 70°Limited dimensions of the instrument Angle of acceptance2.6° (-/+ 1.3°)Field of view of the instrument Rp/Rs Good rejection of the perpendicular polarisation R s min25% Photometry condition From IAS team: A. Millard, F. Auchère, F. Rouesnel, J-C. Vial Experimental techniques Preliminary requirements From Palik tables indices[ 2,3 ], calculated reflectivity versus wavelength of pure Al, Al+Al2O3 (2.5 nm), Al+MgF2 (25 nm) Choice of materials Based on optical properties: Al (for reflectivity), Fluoride (for transparency) Necessity to avoid oxidizationKnowledge of optical constants As it can be seen on this graph, the spontaneous formation a a thin alumina layer upon air contact causes the reflectance to collapse to a value lower than 10% at 120 nm. In this case, a capper layer (as MgF 2 ) is necessary. The nm spectral range is characterized by both low transparency and low reflectivity of materials which makes optical measurements specifically difficult : Optical constants are often unavailable or found strongly different from an author to the other. Optical constants of the deposited materials have to be determined before modelization of polarizing multilayers. Determination of the optical indices from reflectivity measurements Fabrication and test of polarizing mirrors MgF 2 /float glass In collaboration with PTB where Polarized reflectivity measurements were performed [5,6] Ongoing development i = 62° Rs = 0.75 Rp = Rp/Rs = MgF 2 Al Al2O3 (<1 nm) MgF 2 Al Multilayer MgF 2 Al [1] F. Bridou, B. Pardo, J. Optics, 21(4) 183 (1990). [2] Handbook of Optical Constants, E.D. Palik, G. Ghosh, (CD Rom), (Academic Press, 1999). [3] [4] F.Bridou, M. Cuniot-Ponsard, J-M. Desvignes, Opt. Comm, 271 (2007), pp [5] A. Gottwald, U. Kroth, W. Paustian, M. Richter, H. Schoeppe, R. Thornagel, F. Bridou, M. Cuniot-Ponsard, J-M Desvignes, 15th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radition Physics, Berlin, Germany, 23thJul-3Aug |6] A. Gottwald, F. Bridou, M. Cuniot-Ponsard,,J-M. Desvignes, S. Kroth, U. Kroth, W. Paustian, M. Richter, H. Shöppe,R. Thornagel, Appl. Opt., 46 (2007), pp CONCLUSION A preliminary determination of indices in the wavelength range nm was performed in order to select the materials and design of polarizing mirrors. Two different designs of polarizing mirrors at = nm have been prepared and tested at PTB. The first results show that each of these two designs allows to meet the requirements of the Lyman Lyot Coronograph Imager project References Present development 1 2 Ongoing development Polarizing mirror in the LYOT optical design Experimental setup for evaporation Grazing X-ray reflectometry Thin films are evaporated on glass substrates, 2 cm in diameter, in a UHV chamber equipped with an electron gun and four targets. The initial pressure in the chamber is close to mbar. The successive deposition rates and thickness are controlled by a programmable quartz. The grazing X-ray reflectometry allows determining the thickness, interfacial roughness, and complex index (at the source wavelength) of each of the successive films deposited on a substrate [1]. Reflectivity measurement at PTB (Bessy II, Berlin) M.Richter, A. Gottwald, U. Kroth Experimental reflectivity versus wavelength under near normal incidence Application to MgF2 Iso-reflectivity diagram at l = 122 nm n = 1.73, k= 0.04 (k = 0 in Palik tables) MgF 2 Reflectivity measurements at PTB under normal incidence with various layer thicknesses Verification: good agreement between the experimental and calculated R( ) plots when using the thus determined n ( ) and k ( ) The precision of measurements at PTB is presently not sufficient to give the value of the actual minimum of Rp Bulk material reflectivity R=f (n,k) n,k 12 Reflectivity of a thin layer of known thickness on Al substrate R(e )= f (n,k,ns,ks) ns,ks Al X n,k,e 12 Iso-reflectivity diagrams Principle [4] Intersection of iso-reflectiviy diagrams selected from measurements gives the result: (n, k). k n n k More than two measurements are necessary. n k e=5 nm R=0.2 e= ‡ R=0.3 o o Measurement: i = 67°, Rs = 0.45, Rp = 0.023, Rp/Rs = 0.05 Fit : i = 67°, Rs =0.45, Rp= , Rp/Rs = PTB is working to install the set- up on a new dedicated VUV beam line: the MLS (Metrology Light Source). The precision of measurements should be increased. (First measurements are expected in the middle of 2008). i = 69° Rs = 0.71 Rp = 0.06 Rp/Rs = With optimized thicknesses (calculation) 1st SMESE Workshop, IAS Paris, mars 2008 k k