Erik Ponnert Turkey October, 2008
Background Current IMLA website was deployed 2005 Portal features offered but not utlized –Categorized as website as opposed to Portal A Portal with features available for its users could have a huge impact on an association such as IMLA. That is why I am here today!
About Me Erik Ponnert IT Program Officer, WMU, since 2003 Developer of the new IMLA Portal Invited to IMLA 16 to present new Portal Presentation 15 min Questions 10 min
Introduction WMU IT department introduced new Portal environment autumn 2007 Standardized open source framework (DotNetNuke a.k.a. DNN) Continuously improved with new releases Directory of Modules created for DNN Recently a Social Networking Suite was released. Incorporated into IMLA Portal.
Portal Features New members of IMLA get an instantaneous access, but not limited to, the following: –Document repositoryDocument repository Proceedings, reseach projects etc. –Picture GalleryPicture Gallery Conferences, Organizations –Discussion forumsDiscussion forums Subscription to specific forums, weekly summary reports –Membership DirectoryMembership Directory Browse all IMLA members and view their profiles Customize a personal profile page, blog, guestbook, gallery etc. –Membership Messaging ServiceMembership Messaging Service Send Private Messages to members or groups
Commitment Every Portal is totally dependant on commitment from all involved actors IMLA Portal is merely a tool enabling further interaction among IMLA members Selection of moderators / admins –Repository, Gallery, News, Forums Transferring from “old” ways of communicating ( s, telephone)
To discuss: Public vs Private What features are to be made available to the public? What information is to be made available to the public?
To discuss: Membership & Registration IMLA offers membership based on institution/organization –Assumption: One user created for the coordinator of membership in question Verified Registration with 3 months trial –Upon registration, sent to registrant that needs to be confirmed otherwise no access to Portal. –Trial period add a new dimension of complexity, features need to be more restricted – moderators needed.
Finally Material for the Portal –Invitation to everybody in possession of material to be made available on the Portal Please do forward your ideas –The forum ”suggestion box” enables us to discuss the future direction of the Portal List of participants –Generate accounts for all IMLA members –Notified via upon creation Link to new Portal on current IMLA website – soon to be –Currently accessible at