Decision support system for risk reduction in agriculture Phase II: Soybean DSS for Eastern Paraguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil IAI Small Grant Program for the Human Dimensions Panama, February 2008
Outline Who we are Goals & Objectives Cooperators Approach Summary
Who are we? Julian Baez Universidad Nacional de Asuncion Mauricio Fernandes EMBRAPA-CNPT Norman Breuer University of Miami Clyde Fraisse University of Florida Victor Cabrera New Mexico State Willingthon Pavan Universidade de Passo Fundo
Goals & Objectives Our main goal is to help producers mitigate climate risks affecting agriculture in Eastern Paraguay and Rio Grande do Sul To conduct stakeholder assessments to better understand needs and expectations; To evaluate the impact of ENSO phases on soybean yields using crop simulation models; To strengthen the capacity of professionals in Paraguay, Brazil, and the USA in agricultural systems modeling, use of participatory research methods for climate research, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Integrate with CRN II: Land use change in the Rio de La Plata Basin: Linking biophysical and human factors to predict trends, assets impacts, and support viable land- use strategies for the future
Where will we focus our research? Soybean cover in South America Source: Rio Grande do Sul 9.92 mmt of soybeans during the 06/07 cropping season Eastern Paraguay 5.85 mmt of soybeans during the 06/07 cropping season
Our Strategy: Work with Cooperatives in Brazil and Paraguay Cooperativa de Agricultores de Plantio Direto 12,000 members Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
41 filiais Cooplantio 41 filiais Cooplantio 142 assessores técnicos 142 assessores técnicos
Seminário anual da Cooplantio
Sananduva 5/9/03
Cooperatives – Paraguay 8 cooperatives in Itapua and Alto Parana ~ 300K ha
Cooperatives - Paraguay
Agrodinamica 2006, Cooperativa Colonias Unidas
Julian Baez – Presenting results from our IAI seed project CAPECO, Paraguay – 06/07 Cropping season
Research Plan Crop Modeling Component DSSAT CROPGRO-Soybean Model Data collection effort Historical weather data Soils Management ENSO climate scenarios Alternative planting dates and maturity groups Results will be disseminated to producers via a web-based DSS
Previous Research – IAI Seed Project Fraisse et al., 2007 – El Niño – Southern Oscillation Influences on Soybean Yields in Eastern Paraguay. International Journal of Climatology (in press). Soybean Yields in Paraguay 1981/82 – 2006/07
Translating Crop Model Outputs to Farmers
Training Modeling workshop will be offered at the University of Passo Fundo in October 2008
In Summary Well qualified multidisciplinary team Very well connected with stakeholders Technical background and experience in participatory research and crop modeling Experienced in developing web-based DSS Ready to work but still waiting for solving contract language issues between the IAI and University of Florida
Thank you!
Roadblocks Funds not available yet Legal language between IAI and UF not compatible Dozens of s between sponsored programs, IAI, PI The end appears in sight Data collection in Paraguay will demand extra effort
Previous Research – IAI Seed Project Fraisse et al., 2007 – El Niño – Southern Oscillation Influences on Soybean Yields in Eastern Paraguay. International Journal of Climatology (in press). Precipitation Probability of Exceedance (a)Planting to flowering (b)Flowering to first seed (c)First seed to maturity (a) (b) (c)