Comparison of drift simulation with D,Chi different in div.legs
First attempt of SOLPS simulation with DRIFTS upstream R-R sep D┴Χ┴D┴Χ┴ n e SOLPS TS RCP pedestal wall 1 R-R sep separatrix T e SOLPS TS RCP 6 targets outer inner J sat [A.m -2 ] LP SOLPS T e [eV] n e [m -3 ] Perp.heat flux [MW.m -2 ] LP SOLPS outer inner IR R-R sep Not yet completely converged solution… (17404) D=3 Chi=5 in divertor legs as in NO DRIFT solution
quite converged solution… D=1 Chi=5 in divertor legs as in SOL!
Comparison of preelm no drifts “convective approach”
Comparison of experimental data with simulation 2. “Convective” approach upstream targets outer inner D┴Χ┴D┴Χ┴ n e SOLPS TS RCP pedestal wall R-R sep separatrix T e SOLPS TS RCP 30 2 v┴v┴ J sat [A.m -2 ] LP SOLPS T e [eV] n e [m -3 ] Perp.heat flux [MW.m -2 ] LP SOLPS outer inner IR Density n e in SOL is too high ! Reason: Competition between radial & parallel fluxes v ┴ acts towards radial direction Parallel flux is smaller than in “conductive approach” combination of all 3 parameters D ┴, ┴, v ┴ ??? Reasonable agreement =>
Looks better v is increased after separatrix as seen in experiment! D=3 Chi=5 in div.legs