Enrollment Market Share Presentation Michigan Public Universities 1989 to 2006 Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Data Resources September 2007 Focus Area: Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne Counties
Introduction This Presentation summarizes the Enrollment Market Share Report, the complete report is available at Market Share Report.ppt The focus here is on the SE Michigan Tri-County region. The complete Report gives enrollment information for the Michigan Public Universities by County, from 1989 to Emphasis is on the 7 Southeastern Michigan Counties. The data is collected via a statewide data exchange for 3 groups: FTIAC, Undergraduates, and Graduate Students.
Overview Which Michigan Public University (MPU) has the largest market shares? What universities are making inroads into a county’s enrollment? How is Wayne State faring in our major recruitment area, i.e., the Tri-County? We will consider these questions for each of the 3 target groups.
FTIAC Michigan Public University Enrollment Trend Comparison
Macomb County FTIAC Market Share Trend
Oakland County FTIAC Market Share Trend
Wayne County FTIAC Market Share Trend
Undergraduate Michigan Public University Enrollment Trend Comparison
Macomb County Undergraduate Market Share Trend
Oakland County Undergraduate Market Share Trend
Wayne County Undergraduate Market Share Trend
Graduate Michigan Public University Enrollment Trend Comparison
Macomb County Graduate Market Share Trend
Oakland County Graduate Market Share Trend
Wayne County Graduate Market Share Trend
Gain of Market Share In Wayne County and 6 Surrounding Counties Fall 1989 to Fall 2006 The “X” indicates top 4 MPU competitors with highest gain of Market Share - Fall 1989 to Fall 2006 CMUFSUGVSULSSUMSUOUSVSUUM-AAUM-DUM-FWMUWSU Livingston X XX X Macomb X XX X Monroe X X X X OaklandX X XX St. ClairX X X X Washtenaw X XX X Wayne X XX X Undergraduate Percent Market Share of 7-County Area: LivingstonX X X X MacombX X X X Monroe X X XX OaklandX X XX St. ClairX X X X WashtenawX X XX WayneX XX X FTIAC Percent Market Share of 7-County Area:
Gain of Market Share In Wayne County and 6 Surrounding Counties Fall 1989 to Fall 2006 The “X” indicates top 4 MPU competitors with highest gain of Market Share - Fall 1989 to Fall 2006 CMUFSUGVSULSSUMSUOUSVSUUM-AAUM-DUM-FWMUWSU Graduate Percent Market Share of 7-County Area: LivingstonX X X X MacombX XX X MonroeX X X X OaklandX X XX St. ClairXX X X Washtenaw X XX X WayneXX X X Total Percent Market Share of 7-County Area: LivingstonX X X X MacombX X X X Monroe X X XX OaklandX X XX St. ClairX X X X WashtenawX X X X WayneX X X X
Concluding Observations Among FTIACS We have gained market share strongly only in Wayne County, at the apparent expense of Eastern Michigan University. Some growth in our Oakland County enrollments Oakland U has made strong gains in Macomb County, and Grand Valley in Oakland County. Among Undergraduate Students Since , we have made market share gains in Macomb and Wayne County. Like at the FTIAC level, Oakland U has made strong market share gains in Macomb Country, but not so much in Oakland Country. Grand Valley continues to grow market share in Oakland County. We continue to dominate in Wayne County, and Eastern Michigan University has shown significant losses, but not sufficient to account for our gains. Among Graduate Students Our share of Macomb and Oakland Counties has declined steadily since 1992, to the benefit of Oakland U. We have also lost share in Wayne County over the same period, but to a much less degree. Only notable market share growth occurs outside the Tri-County area, in Monroe County.