SYSchange for z/OS By Pristine Software April 2009 Thomas Phillips April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
What is SYSchange? SYSchange is an automated systems software change management tool that delivers the most reliable and cost- effective solution to: capture changes in real time audit/report changes control changes at the member-level deploy changes/maintenance/modifications These tasks are accomplished in multiple LPARs of a SYSPLEX, as well as across multiple SYSPLEXes. April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
How Does it Help Your Business? SYSchange helps businesses to implement a system software change management solution by: Protecting critical software assets Controlling and managing changes Auditing, reporting and monitoring changes Cost effective deployment of software changes April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
What Areas does SYSchange Address? › Addresses Compliancy (SOX) › Addresses Change Management/Change Process › Addresses Auditing/Reporting › Addresses Software Synchronization › Addresses Deployment on z/OS; SYSchange packages and deploys changes including new releases, maintenance and modifications from a central location to multiple systems local or remote SYSchange specifically addresses the needs and requirements of the System Software Environment. This includes the OS, all IBM system products, all ISV products – Anything that runs the System. April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Why SYSchange ? › To bring automation and “Best Practices” to the process of system software change management › To bring significantly new efficiencies and lower costs to the management of system software changes › To reduce the costs and complexities of meeting Auditing and Compliancy requirements by providing a process, a control structure, and documentation at all stages › To create an environment that promotes integrity and protection of critical system software assets › To significantly reduce the cost and time of applying/deploying new releases, maintenance and modifications April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
The Needs we Address › The need to protect critical system libraries › The need to meet Compliancy requirements while reducing the cost of doing so (SOX\Auditing) › The need to provide increased levels of security and reliability to system software assets › The need to continually improve both local and remote disaster recovery capabilities April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
The Needs we Address › The need to bring a more centralized approach to the management of system software changes › The need to efficiently and effectively manage critical system libraries › The need to introduce or enhance existing change management processes and procedures › The need to easily and more frequently propagate changes to synchronize multiple environments (DR,LPARs) April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Protecting Critical Systems Libraries NEED : Automatic member-level backup and recovery of critical systems libraries › SYSchange automatically backs up every change made to critical libraries. › Users can quickly recover from undesired changes online. › Extra member versions are automatically archived for future recovery needs. › The archived backups are always available online for viewing, comparing, and recovery purposes. April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Sarbanes-Oxley\Auditing NEED : The need to meet Compliancy requirements while reducing the cost of doing so (SOX\Auditing) › To be compliant, you need to ensure that your internal controls address the system software that runs financial applications (MVS,DB2,CICS, etc.) › The SYSchange auditing capabilities allow you to centrally control, authorize and report changes to systems software › SYSchange automatically backs up any change and documents it thus producing an Audit Trail › Reports are generated that identify WHO made the change, WHICH software component was changed, and for WHAT reason April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Increased Levels of Security and Reliability NEED : To have accountability\security for System Software changes and quick recoverability from errors. This affects potential downtime and integrity › SYSchange automatically backs up anything changed › SYSchange keeps multiple versions of changed members; with online recovery you can quickly restore to any point › At the volume-level, entire production volumes can become immune from changes › SYSchange can designate who can make changes › SYSchange documents all changes – you know WHO made the change – WHEN the change was made – WHY the change was introduced April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Improved DR Capabilities NEED: to regularly keep DR software and Production software up-to-date and in-sync › The SYSchange automatic change identification and packaging technologies allow for quick propagation of software changes to the recovery site › Changes can be gathered at anytime and sent to the recovery site and other sites in between normal backups › SYSchange ensures that software in multiple locations are identical; but if different they can easily be synchronized April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Centralizing the Management of System Software Changes NEED: Maintaining multiple SMP/E systems is challenging and expensive › SYSchange provides a centralized approach for the management of multiple LPARs › Eliminate the redundancy and complexity in maintaining multiple SMP/E systems › Package and propagate changes (SMP/E or non-SMP/E changes) to multiple environments from a single point › SYSchange provides a feedback mechanism that gives systems managers a centralized view of all promotion activities April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Managing System Libraries NEED: Accountability for changes to System Software and quick recoverability › Quicker recovery from errors – everything is backed up › Selection of how many member backups and how long to retain › Immediate knowledge of WHO – WHAT – WHERE – WHY › Blocks access to minimize intrusion and intentional errors › Protection at the volume-level, dataset-level and member-level › Effectively increase your capabilities to manage system software changes – mitigate staff shortages and less skilled systems programmers April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Easily Identify Changes and Distribute NEED: The need to easily and more frequently identify, package and deploy changes to synchronize multiple environments (DR,LPARs) › SYSchange examines an entire software environment and automatically identifies all changes; then it quickly packages those changes for distribution › Specific changes can be gathered at anytime, (weekly, daily, hourly) then quickly packaged and sent to other environments › SYSchange allows for more regular synchronizations at a significant lower cost › Traditionally, without this new technology, this task could be performed on a weekly or monthly basis at best. April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
Deployment NEED: Keep the environments current by deploying new software releases, maintenance, modifications and updates › A Uniform Process for deploying SMP/E and non-SMP/E maintenance, as well as being able to handle zFS and HFS files using the same standardized techniques › Provides a centralized point of control for deploying all changes (SMP/E or non-SMP/E) › Prevents regression › Provides “Rollback” capabilities › Custom packaging enables users to package data sets and select members into the same package for deployment (on-going maintenance) April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
What are the Risks of Not Having SYSchange? Without SYSchange: › Your software would be exposed to undesired change regardless of RACF protections › Security products protects your software at the dataset-level; SYSchange protects your environment at the member-level (a lower level of protection) › You may not be able to satisfy auditing requirements or recoverability requirements set by regulators and compliance guidelines › There is no accountability of who is making the changes April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
What are the Risks of Not Having SYSchange? Without SYSchange: › If you make an undesired change, your system may not IPL or your applications may fail to run successfully › It would be expensive to keep your DR software and your production software at the same level at all times › You are not guaranteed to have member versions available for recovery and audit all the time; SYSchange provides a Real-time monitoring of all changes around the clock; Versions are never lost in between scheduled backups › Falling behind on deployment of new releases, maintenance, modifications and updates April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
What are the Risks of Not Having SYSchange? Without SYSchange: › You may not know whether your software runs identically on all systems (local or remote) › During a change cycle, the scope of change remains unknown › Not knowing exactly what has or has not changed may require systems managers to take expensive cautionary measures which may cause delays in the deployment process › You may not be able to verify success of the deployment › You may not prevent regressions in mass software distributions April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software
SYSchange for z/OS by Pristine Software Thanks for your participation Questions ? for Thomas Phillips: April 2009 SYSchange Pristine Software