SLIDE 1IS Fall 2002 PHP (and MySQL) University of California, Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems SIMS 257: Database Management
SLIDE 2IS Fall 2002 Today Getting started with ORACLE in SQL-- see assignment on website More on SQL and SQLPlus for data manipulation and modification Getting Started with ORACLE.
SLIDE 3IS Fall 2002 SELECT Syntax: –SELECT [DISTINCT] attr1, attr2,…, attr3 as label, function(xxx), calculation, attr5, attr6 FROM relname1 r1, relname2 r2,… rel3 r3 WHERE condition1 {AND | OR} condition2 ORDER BY attr1 [DESC], attr3 [DESC]
SLIDE 5IS Fall 2002 SELECT Conditions = equal to a particular value >= greater than or equal to a particular value > greater than a particular value <= less than or equal to a particular value <> not equal to a particular value LIKE ‘%wom_n%’ (Note different wild card) IN (‘opt1’, ‘opt2’,…,’optn’)
SLIDE 6IS Fall 2002 Aggregate Functions COUNT(dataitem) AVG(numbercolumn) SUM(numbercolumn) MAX(numbercolumn) MIN(numbercolumn) STDDEV(numbercolumn) VARIANCE(numbercolumn)
SLIDE 7IS Fall 2002 Numeric Functions ABS(n) ACOS(n) ASIN(n) ATAN(n) ATAN2(n, m) CEIL(n) COS(n) COSH(n) ROUND(n) SIGN(n) SIN(n) SINH(n) SQRT(n) TAN(n) TANH(n) TRUNC(n[, m]) EXP(n) FLOOR(n) LN(n) LOG(m,n) MOD(n) POWER(m,n)
SLIDE 8IS Fall 2002 Character Functions returning character values CHR(n) CONCAT(char1,char2) INITCAP(char) LOWER(char) LPAD(char, n,char2), RPAD(char, n,char2) LTRIM(char, n, cset), RTRIM(char, n, cset) REPLACE(char, srch, repl) SOUNDEX(char) SUBSTR(char, m, n) SUBSTRB(char, m, n) TRANSLATE(char, from, to) UPPER(char)
SLIDE 9IS Fall 2002 Character Function returning numeric values ASCII(char) INSTR(char1, char2[,m, n]) INSTRB(char1, char2[,m, n]) LENGTH(char) LENGTHB(char)
SLIDE 10IS Fall 2002 Date functions ADD_MONTHS(dt, n) LAST_DAY(d) MONTHS_BETWEEN(d1, d2) NEW_TIME(d, z1, z2) -- PST, AST, etc. NEXT_DAY(d, dayname) ROUND(d, fmt) -- century, year etc. SYSDATE TRUNC(d, fmt) -- century, year, etc.
SLIDE 11IS Fall 2002 Conversion Functions CHARTOROWID(char) CONVERT(char, dchar, schar) HEXTORAW(char) RAWTOHEX(raw) ROWIDTOCHAR(rowid) TO_CHAR (date, fmt) TO_DATE(char, fmt) TO_NUMBER(char,fmt ) TO_MULTIBYTE(char) TO_SINGLE_BYTE(ch ar)
SLIDE 12IS Fall 2002 Create Table CREATE TABLE table-name (attr1 attr- type CONSTRAINT constr1 PRIMARY KEY, attr2 attr-type CONSTRAINT constr2 NOT NULL,…, attrM attr-type CONSTRAINT constref REFERENCES owner.tablename(attrname), attrN attr-type CONSTRAINT constrN CHECK (attrN = UPPER(attrN)); Adds a new table with the specified attributes (and types) to the database.
SLIDE 13IS Fall 2002 Types VARCHAR2(size) NUMBER(p, s) LONG -- long char data DATE -- from 4712BC to 4714 AD RAW(size) -- binary LONG RAW -- large binary ROWID -- row reference CHAR(size) -- fixed length characters
SLIDE 14IS Fall 2002 Alter Table ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN attr1 attr-type; ALTER TABLE table-name ADD COLUMN attr1 CONSTRAINT xxx constrainvalue; ALTER TABLE table-name MODIFY COLUMN attr1 optiontochange; … DROP COLUMN attr1; Adds a new column to an existing database table.
SLIDE 15IS Fall 2002 INSERT INSERT INTO table-name (attr1, attr4, attr5,…, attrK) VALUES (“val1”, val4, val5,…, “valK”); OR INSERT INTO table-name SELECT col1, col2, col3 as newcol2, col4 FROM xx, yy WHERE where-clause; Adds a new row(s) to a table.
SLIDE 16IS Fall 2002 DELETE DELETE FROM table-name WHERE ; Removes rows from a table.
SLIDE 17IS Fall 2002 UPDATE UPDATE tablename SET attr1=newval, attr2 = newval2 WHERE ; changes values in existing rows in a table (those that match the WHERE clause).
SLIDE 18IS Fall 2002 DROP Table DROP TABLE tablename; Removes a table from the database.
SLIDE 19IS Fall 2002 CREATE INDEX CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX indexname ON tablename (attr1 [ASC|DESC][, attr2 [ASC|DESC],...]) Adds an index on the specified attributes to a table
SLIDE 20IS Fall 2002 System Information In ORACLE Find all of the tables for a user –SELECT * FROM ALL_CATALOG WHERE OWNER = ‘userid’; –SELECT * FROM USER_CATALOG; (or CAT) Show the attributes and types of data for a particular table –DESCRIBE tablename;
SLIDE 21IS Fall 2002 Running commands Create file with SQL and SQLPlus commands in it. –Use a plain text editor and NOT a word processor (or save as text only) Give the file the extension.sql From inside SQLPlus type –START filename
SLIDE 22IS Fall 2002 Simple formatting in SQLPlus SET PAGESIZE 500 SET LINESIZE 79 PROMPT stuff to put out to screen TTITLE “title to put at top of results” COLUMN col_name HEADING “New Name”
SLIDE 23IS Fall 2002 Outputting results as a file… SPOOL filename Commands SPOOL STOP –File will be created with everything between the SPOOL commands
SLIDE 24IS Fall 2002 PHP PHP is an Open Source Software project with many programmers working on the code. –Commonly paired with MySQL, another OSS project –Free –Both Windows and Unix support Estimated that more than 250,000 web sites use PHP as an Apache Module.
SLIDE 25IS Fall 2002 PHP Syntax Similar to ASP Includes most programming structures (Loops, functions, Arrays, etc.) Loads HTML form variables so that they are addressable by name <?php $myvar = “Hello World”; echo $myvar ; ?>
SLIDE 26IS Fall 2002 Combined with MySQL DBMS interface appears as a set of functions: <?php $db = mysql_connect(“localhost”, “root”); mysql_select_db(“mydb”,$db); $result = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM employees”, $db); Printf(“First Name: %s \n”, mysql_result($result, 0 “first”); Printf(“Last Name: %s \n”, mysql_result($result, 0 “last”); ?>
SLIDE 27IS Fall 2002 Examples with Diveshop