Topic: Unit Development Objectives 1. Students will be able to negotiate with the teacher about a topic they are going to deal with. 2. Students will be.


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Presentation transcript:

Topic: Unit Development Objectives 1. Students will be able to negotiate with the teacher about a topic they are going to deal with. 2. Students will be able to set general objectives for a unit. 3. Students will be able to select and sequence lesson activities according to general objectives of a unit.

Lesson One Choose a topic you like to study Pre-task activities Step One: The teacher provide students with the list of topics and sub-topics. While-task activities Step Two: Students choose a topic they like most and negotiate with the teacher. Post-task activities Step Three: List tasks they are going to fulfill.

Lesson Two Setting general objectives for a unit. Lesson Two Setting general objectives for a unit. Pre-task activities Step One: Review the tasks. While-task activities Step Two: Use the special terms to express the objectives of unit development Post-task activities Step Three: set unit objectives for the topic of shopping

Unit Development Target group Organizational focus Time allocation Specific goals Communication Sociocultural LHTL LACA Gen. Knowledge General objectives Activities and exercises Resources Assessment Specific objectives Method Language Skill Sociocultural General Development development knowledge

Lesson Three Selecting and sequencing lesson activities according to general objectives of a unit. Pre-task activities Step One: supporting activities While-task activities Step Two: communicative task Post-task activities Step Three: feedback activities

Topic: SHOPPING Topic: SHOPPING General objectives: 1.Students will be able to make a shopping plan within a budget. 2.Students will be able to make a market investigation. 3. Students will be able to participate in a simulated shopping. 4. Students will be able to make an advertisement of a product. 1

Lesson One Make a shopping list within the budget Pre-task activities Step 1 The teacher sets the scene for the task. Step 2 The teacher helps students to acquire the necessary vocabulary items for the task. Step 3 The teacher explains the task and demonstrate the task procedure. While-task activities Step 4 Students discussing and deciding on food to buy within the budget. Step 5 Preparing work sheet for reporting Post-task activities Step 6 Students share the products by reporting with the class.

Unit 1 Love General objectives: Students will be able to understand and sing a love song; to understand and tell a love story to read and write love letters; to participate in a debate on online dating

Lesson One (Chain One) Sing a love song Step 1. Sts Listen to the love song referring to the script. Step 2. Sts Answer the questions about the song. Question: Answer: Step 3. Sts Listen to the love song referring to the script and underline unfamiliar words and expressions. Words and expressions: Step 4. Sts ask T for the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions. Task 1. Sts learn to sing the song.

Lesson Two (Chain Two) Telling a love story Step 1. Sts Listen to the love story and get ready to answer the questions. Step 2. Sts Answer the questions about the story. Question: Answer: Step 3. Sts read the love story and get ready to answer the questions. Question: Answer: Step 4. Sts read the story and underline unfamiliar words and expressions. Step 4. Sts ask T for the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions. Task 1. Sts learn to tell a story.

Lesson Three (Chain Three) Writing a love letter Step 1. T prepares students for the letter they will be hearing by asking questions and by discussing vocabulary, by ensuring that students know what they are supposed to do and by ensuring that the students are in the appropriate groups. Step 2. Learners hear the dictation twice. The first time. they listen only and get a general feeling for the letter. The second time they take down notes. Being encouraged to listen for content words which will assist them in reconstructing the letter. Step 3. At the conclusion of the dictation, learners pool notes and produce their version of the letter. Step 4. The students compare their versions with the original sentence by sentence. Step 5. Sts discussion. What are the strong points and weak points of the letters? Task 1. Sts learn to tell a love letter.

Lesson Four (Chain Four) A debate on online dating Step 1. Sts read passages about online dating and answer questions about them. Question: Answer: Step 2. Sts’ discussion about online dating referring to the online debate Advantages and disadvantages Step 3. Step 4. Sts read rules and regulations of debate and underline unfamiliar words and expressions. Step 4. Sts ask T for the meaning of unfamiliar words and expressions. Task 1. Students participate in a debate on online dating.

Topic 1.Personal information 2.Family 3.Friends 4.Personal environments 5.Daily routines 6.School life 7.Interests and hobbies 8Emotions 9.Interpersonal relationships 10.Plans and intentions

11.Festivals.holidays and celebrations 12.Shopping 13.Food and drink 14.Health 15.Entertainment and sports 16.Travel and transport 17.Language learning 18.Nature: plants, flowers, animal, 19.World and the environment 20.Recent invents

21.Population 22.Crime and punishment 23.Pollution 24.History and geography 25.Famous people 26.Nationality and people 27.Ways of dressing 28.Customs and culture 29.Literature and art (play, novel, essay, short story)