Aim To provide an overview of the Investors in People standard and assessment process, and to identify some challenges and benefits in using the model.
Objectives Explain what Investors is Highlight some of the benefits Identify the main principles Clarify the assessment purpose and process Provide an insight to the Culture and Leisure experience Note the next steps for the County Council
What is Investors in People? Framework to help improve performance Demonstrates investment in people is effective by:- –commitment to developing people –clear and understood goals –showing investment in people helps meet goals –understand impact on performance
Research - CREATE 1999 Wider benefits of Investors in People 2079 IiP organisations surveyed of which: 80% reported an increase in customer satisfaction 80% reported an enhanced corporate image 70% said they were more competitive 70% experienced improved productivity 50% had reduced staff turnover 40% reported improved profits
Research – PASCEC 2002 “The Wider Role and Benefits of Investors in People ” 1012 employers interviewed Perceptions- now viewed more as a tool integrated into business strategy and not just an HR tool Improved recruitment and retention of staff Improved business performance 94% would recommend the Standard as a tool which improves organisational performance
Three Principles Continuous Improvement Do (Action) Plan (Strategy) Review (Evaluate Impact)
The Standard Based on 3 principles –Developing strategies to improve the performance of the organisation –Taking action to improve the performance of the organisation –Evaluating the impact on the performance of the organisation 10 indicators 39 evidence requirements
Purpose of the Assessment To provide:- An objective point of view on whether the Standard is met on a Strategic level Feedback on the strengths of your people practices development points from last Review Feedback on development points for the next review Feedback on any other changes – your specific objectives
Questions the Assessor might ask:- Tell me about your job What’s the Organisation aiming to achieve? What training and development have you undertaken? Give an example of how you have used the skills learnt within your job Do you feel the organisation is committed to learning and development? How does your Manager support you?
Questions the Assessor might ask a Manager:- What are the overall aims and objectives of the Organisation? How does this part of the Organisation fit into the overall plan? Is there a plan for this part of the Organisation? What part did you play in putting together the direction of your team? What are the priorities for the development of your people?
Questions the Assessor might ask a Manager:- How did you support an individual’s learning and development? What part did you play in introducing someone to a new role? How have you acquired the skills to manage and develop people? Tell me about some benefits that have taken place as a result of learning and development?
Culture and Leisure Assessments August 2000 November 2001 April 2003
Process – Corporate Assessment A review of the organisation’s strategic plan A discussion with the Chief Executive to confirm overall commitment A follow-on discussion with appropriate members of the top management team about the application of the principles Identification of audit trails that can be followed through into the building blocks and vice versa Visits to a selection of the building blocks to establish the organisation’s continued position in relation to the Standard
Assessment North East Contact:Joyce Collett Assessment North East Limited Business and Innovation Centre Sunderland Enterprise Park Sunderland SR5 2TA Telephone: