Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Lab MICE CM23 at ICST, Harbin January 14, 2009
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 2 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 MICE Cooling Channel Layout Spectrometer Solenoid #1 (partially disassembled) Spectrometer Solenoid #2 (final assembly under way)
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 3 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 Second magnet cold mass now assembled with fixes New cooling circuit, added relief vent line Second magnet thermal shield modified LN reservoir added, thermal shield connection improved Second magnet support stand modified to accommodate iron shield mounting pads Installation of cold mass into vacuum vessel of second magnet to take place this week Portable CMM measurements during magnet assembly will ensure proper cold mass alignment and centerline height First magnet has been partially disassembled to add fixes Service tower disassembled, end plates and warm bore removed Summary
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 4 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 Modified Cooling System Liquid/vapor helium accumulator base and cold mass connections Direct cryocooler sleeve connection with bellows
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 5 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 Leak Test of Cooling System Liquid/vapor He accumulator and cryocooler sleeves
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 6 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 Fully Assembled Cold Mass and Shield
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 7 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, nd Magnet Cold Mass Ready to Install Cold mass being suspended in vacuum vessel this week Improved thermal shield connection added Second cryostat vent tube added LN reservoir installed on thermal shield Helium cooling circuit modification is complete
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 8 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, nd Magnet Components before Assembly Vacuum vessel Radiation shield Cold mass
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 9 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 Vacuum Vessel and Support Stand End flange Modified support stand legs
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 10 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 Magnet CMM Measurement Portable CMM will be used to align cold mass to end flange and set height Tooling balls will also be added to vessel and fiducialized to cold mass
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 11 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 First Magnet Partially Disassembled
MICE Spectrometer Solenoid Fabrication Update and Schedule StatusPage 12 Steve Virostek -- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -- January 14, 2009 The plan to move forward involves completing and testing Magnet #2 first (with all modifications) Several technical issues as well as negotiation with the vendor on change costs has delayed completion The current goal for completing the first unit (Magnet #2) including cooldown and test is the end of February Upon shipping of Magnet #2 (now first unit), Magnet #1 will be modified (reconfigure cooling, add vent line, LN reservoir, etc.) The reassembly and completion of Magnet #1 should follow by approximately two months Schedule