Keck Call for Proposals 2009A (Feb 1st - July 31st 2009) Deadline: 5pm, Mon 1st September 2008
Instruments - Keck 1 HIRES (blue/red x-disperser) - grating cross- dispersed, echelle spectrograph; microns. Does have data reduction pipeline (drp). NIRC - Near Infrared Camera. Infrared images and low resolution spectra from microns; FOV: 38x38”; 0.15”/pix. No drp. LRIS (red and blue/polarimeter with/out ADC) - Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer. Visible images and spectra from ,000A; FOV: 6 x 7.8’; 0.13 b -0.2 r ”/pix. Does have drp.
Instruments - Keck 2 DEIMOS - DEep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph multi-slit, visible-wavelength imaging spectrograph, ,000 A; FOV 16x5’; 0.12”/pix; does have drp ESI - echelle spectrograph, low-dispersion spectrograph with potential multi-slit capability and direct imaging, ~ ,900 A, FOV: 8x2’; has some dr recipes NIRSPEC (with/out N/LGS) - Nr-infrared, high- resolution spectrograph; microns; FOV: 46x46”; 0.18”/pix; does have drp NIRC2 (N/LGS) - AO Nr-infrared camera; microns, ”/pix; no drp OSIRIS (N/LGS) - AO Nr-infrared integral field spectrograph maxFOV: 5x6’; does have drp.
Proposal Submission Now you’ve had your exciting, novel idea: 1.Login and submit cover sheet to Keck (save pdf version of cover sheet) 2.Write (max-4 page min-12pt) case based on outline provided in tex file on webpage (save pdf version) 3. those 2 pdf files to me by 5pm 1st September 4.Wait and see…
Details Minimum request of 1/2 a night No Long Term Status requests CAS staff and postdocs with a contract to at least 1 Sept 2009 may be PIs. Students can apply with an eligible PI. The role of a proposal in a student's thesis work should be clearly detailed. Additional Keck nights are available via collaboration with Caltech staff. The role of all non-SUT CoIs must be fully specified. The more flexible you are with dates the more chance you have that your program will be observed.
Help? Information and links from: research/keck/cfp.html research/keck/cfp.html Or, ask me :)
Deadline is 5pm, Mon 1st September 2009 Thank You!