H37Cl, j(0+) 1)Exp. data for ion intensity ratios agust,www,...Jan11/PPT ak.ppt agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state-2i0111kmak.xls
QQQ JCl/HCl(KM)(JL; ))JL( ) agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls Suitable for low J´ Suitable for high J´
KM JL For low J´ JL For high J´ J´ agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls JL needs to evaluate The J´=7 ratio
KM JL For low J´ JL For high J´ J´ agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls
Conclusion concerning H37Cl j(0+): / / / J´ The following was obtained for W12 = 25, alfa = 4 and g = For H37Cl j(0+):
I( 37 Cl + )/(H 37 Cl + ) ratio J’ Exp Calc agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls