Data Visualization for Networked Sensors Phil Buonadonna Jason Hill
SmartDust Networked Sensor –A μ-Scale wireless device with an array of sensors capable of interacting with/monitoring their environment Operate in groups (100s and up) to perform wide range of high level-tasks –Un-intrusive, easy to deploy, autonomous
The Problem Where? –Sensor spatial location and movement What? –Multiple Data streams from many sensors Apply Data viz techniques –Analyze relative location over time –Select and view data streams from sensor(s) in a meaningful way The weC Mote
Location Visualization Parallel Axis in conjunction w/ a topographic display (signal strength used as metric) Symmetry between two points can be exploited Couple w/ Topological layout to expose patterns Include time ‘sliders’ To monitor movement ABCDE A B C D E
Data ‘Drill-Down’ Select sensor(s) and pull up data collection results over time. Minimize information overload and ‘clutter’ for large networks. A B C D E Mote: A Temp:208 Light:2 Time:16:19:55 Neighbors:B