IF Function Decision: Action based on condition
Examples SF State Tuition calculation: – –Simple condition PG&E electric charges: – ges/ ges/ –More than one condition
Examples Simple condition: –If total sales exceeds $300 then applies 5% discount; otherwise, no discount. More than one condition: Taxable Income < =3000 no tax 3000 < taxable income <= % tax Taxable income > % tax Complex condition: –If an applicant’s GPA > 3.0 and SAT > 1200: admitted
Comparison Less than: < Less than or equal: <= Greater than: > Greater than or equal: >= Equal: = Not equal: <> –At least: >= –At most: <= –No more than: <= –No less than: >= A comparison returns True/False.
IF Function =IF(condition, ValueIfTrue,ValueIfFalse) Example: –Tuition: If total units <= 12, then tuition = 1200 »Otherwise, tuition = per additional unit In Cell C2: IF(B2<=12, 1200, *(b2-12))
Example: Compute weekly wage. Overtime hours are paid 50% more than the regular pay. In Cell D2: If(C2<=40, B2*C2, B2* *B2*(C2-40))
Example: Tax rate is based on married status: –Single: 15% –Married: 10% –In D5: If(B5=“S”,$C$1*C5, $C$2*C5)
Example: A restaurant charges service fee based on this rule: 15% of the check amount with a minimum of $2.
Exercises 1. The average of two exams is calculated by this rule: 60% * higher score + 40% * lower score. 2. An Internet service provider offers a service plan that charges customer based on the following rules: The first 20 hours: $10 Each additional hour: $1.5
Nested IF Example: –Rules to determine bonus: JobCode = 1, Bonus=500 JobCode = 2, Bonus = 700 JobCode = 3, Bonus = 1000 –In C2: If(B2=1, 500, If(B2=2, 700, 1000))
JobCode= 1 Or <> =1 JobCode=2 Or <>
Example Electric Company charges customers based on KiloWatt-Hour used. The rules are: –First 100 KH,20 cents per KH –Each of the next 200 KH ( up to 300 KH), 25 cents per KH –All KH over 300, 30 cents per KH In C2: If(B2<=100,.2*B2,If(B2<=300,.2* *(B2- 100),.2* *200+.3*(B2-300))
What if we have more than 3 conditions Example: Bonus –JobCode = 1, Bonus = 500 –JobCode = 2, Bonus = 600 –JobCode = 3, Bonus = 700 –JobCode = 4, Bonus = 800 –JobCode = 5, Bonus = 1000 –… Other functions: –Table lookup
Example State University calculates students tuition based on the following rules: –State residents: Total units taken <=12, tuition = 1200 Total units taken > 12, tuition = per additional unit. –Non residents: Total units taken <= 9, tuition = 3000 Total units taken > 9, tuition = per additional unit.
Resident or Not Units <= 12 or Not Units <= 9 or Not
Multiple Spreadsheets: How to reference a cell/range in another spreadsheet? SpreadsheetName!Cell –Example: Reference cell C5 in a spreadsheet named Revenue: Revenue!C5 SpreadsheetName!Range –Example: Reference range C5:C10 in a spreadsheet named Revenue: Revenue!C5:C10