DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Soil moisture in Tibet derived from satellite obsevations C. Simmer and R. Lindau University of Bonn.


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Presentation transcript:

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Soil moisture in Tibet derived from satellite obsevations C. Simmer and R. Lindau University of Bonn

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 ANOVA of Soil Moisture measurements Variance in mm 2 Number of bins Error of the total mean Seeming external variance Error of external means Internal variance True external variance Relative external variance Annual Cycle % Interstation % Interannual % Total variance External variance Internal variance = Variance between + Mean variance the means of the within the subsamples subsamples

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Local longtime means singlecumulative Climatolog. rain58.6 Soil texture Vegetation Terrain slope % of the soil moisture variance is explained by four parameters :

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Two-step Retrieval Climatological mean derived from: Longterm precipitation Soil texture Vegetation density Terrain slope Temporal anomalies from: Brightness temperatures at 10 GHz Anomalies of rain and air temperature +

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Application: DEKLIM BALTIMOS within DEKLIM (Deutsches Klimaforschungsprogramm): Validation of a 10-years climate run of the regional model REMO using SMMR. Example: Oder catchment R. Lindau and C. Simmer: Derivation of a root zone soil moisture algorithm and its application to validate model data. Nordic Hydrology, accepted for publ.

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Application: AMSR GEOLAND within GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security): Derivation of global soil moisture fields from AMSR M. Leroy, R. Lacaze, R. Lindau, F. Oleson, L. Pessanha, I. Piccard, A. Rosema, J-L. Roujean, F. Rubel, W. Wagner, M. Weiss, 2004: Towards a European Service Center for Monitoring land surfaces at global and regional Scales: The GEOLAND/ CSP Project International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XXth ISPRS Congress, Istanbul, 35 (B4), Longterm mean Temporal anomaly

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Mean Soil Moisture in Tibet The longtime mean field is characterized by strong gradients Three points on the above section show decreasing soil moisture towards NW with a minimum in August

DFG Round Table – Frankfurt a.M. – 23 th May 2006 Annual Cycle Feb Aug May Nov