Maintaining Focus. Readability The sentences are hard to read The sentences are hard to read Individual sentences are hard to understandIndividual sentences.


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Presentation transcript:

Maintaining Focus

Readability The sentences are hard to read The sentences are hard to read Individual sentences are hard to understandIndividual sentences are hard to understand A series of sentences does not seem to have clear connectionsA series of sentences does not seem to have clear connections The greater readability depends on The greater readability depends on CohesionCohesion Sentence structureSentence structure

Concept of the noun phrase One of the most important part of speech in writing One of the most important part of speech in writing Any noun, any noun + modifier, any pronounAny noun, any noun + modifier, any pronoun You can determine whether a unit is a noun You can determine whether a unit is a noun If it can serve as the complete subject of a sentenceIf it can serve as the complete subject of a sentence the growing demand for energy

A singular countable noun is not a noun phase A singular countable noun is not a noun phase Ex: Table usually have four legs.Ex: Table usually have four legs. Fixed:Fixed: A table usually have four legs. A table usually have four legs. Cannot function as the subject of a sentence 句子中的其他 object 都是用來描述主題 (Subject), 單單只有 table 無法成為主題

造句練習 When (Subject) say(s) that 子句, (Pronoun) mean that 子句. When (Subject) say(s) that 子句, (Pronoun) mean that 子句. Ex: Ex: When readers say that the sentences are not easy to read, they mean that the individual sentences are hard to read.When readers say that the sentences are not easy to read, they mean that the individual sentences are hard to read. 當要表達更多的意思時, 如何加入更多的子句 ? 當要表達更多的意思時, 如何加入更多的子句 ? 在子句前面加入, 在子句前面加入, one or more following: (1) that 子句 and/or (2) that 子句 one or more following: (1) that 子句 and/or (2) that 子句 Ex: When readers say that the sentences are not easy to read, they means one or both following: (1) that the sentences are hard to understand and/or (2) that the sentences are not clear connections.Ex: When readers say that the sentences are not easy to read, they means one or both following: (1) that the sentences are hard to understand and/or (2) that the sentences are not clear connections. 修飾一下 ( 加入更多的 noun phrase 描述情況, 加入發生地點 from) 修飾一下 ( 加入更多的 noun phrase 描述情況, 加入發生地點 from) When readers say that the sentences are not easy to read or “ not readable ” or not “ flow, ” they usually means one or both following: (1) that the sentences are hard to understand and/or (2) that the serial of sentences do not have clear connections from sentence to sentence. When readers say that the sentences are not easy to read or “ not readable ” or not “ flow, ” they usually means one or both following: (1) that the sentences are hard to understand and/or (2) that the serial of sentences do not have clear connections from sentence to sentence.

Optimal Ordering of Noun Phrases Put Given Information before New Information Put Given Information before New Information How to recognize given information How to recognize given information repeating the full form of a noun phraserepeating the full form of a noun phrase repeating a shortened formrepeating a shortened form repeating with a pronounrepeating with a pronoun repeating with a synonymous noun phraserepeating with a synonymous noun phrase repeating with an associated noun phraserepeating with an associated noun phrase

造句練習 If you are going to put given information in a sentence, then you need to recognize given information when it occurs. If you are going to put given information in a sentence, then you need to recognize given information when it occurs. 如何加入更多的資訊 如何加入更多的資訊 If you are going to put given information in a sentence, then you need be able to recognize given information when it occurs, that is, to recognize many different ways that given information can appear, to recognize many different ways that information can be repeated. 利用 that is 加入 同義的資訊 1 2

造句練習 There are three ways: noun phrase; noun phrase (such as … ); and noun phrase. There are three ways: noun phrase; noun phrase (such as … ); and noun phrase. of noun phrase

Full-Form Noun Phrase Repetition When a referred confusion occurs, writer need be able to clarify meaning or to establish special emphasis When a referred confusion occurs, writer need be able to clarify meaning or to establish special emphasis The flue damper should be tired with the inlet damper. The flue damper will open automatically in the event of any failure. 知識庫 替換  名詞 should be tired with 名詞 在什麼情況下會自動開啟 of the fans located at the exit side of the electrostatic precipitators. 補充說明關鍵性的規格 ( 讓 reader 瞭解為何要換 ) in the electrostatic precipitator system. 補充說明 failure 的發生地點

Short-Form Repetition Using an Acronym Using an Acronym is a word form from the first letter(s) of each word in a nameis a word form from the first letter(s) of each word in a name Using Increasing Compression Using Increasing Compression Such as COMP for Committee on Management Practices Word 是由 letter 所組成的 the increased radiation dosage that would be experienced at sea level the radiation dosage experienced at sea level the radiation dose at sea level Sea-level radiation 這個子句 introduce 前面的 phrase noun 只留下 compound noun 中, 最右邊重要的 main noun

It versus This The repeated unit is the whole idea of a sentence or clause  this The repeated unit is the whole idea of a sentence or clause  this On the other hand, it is used to repeat a single noun or noun phrase On the other hand, it is used to repeat a single noun or noun phrase Computers can solve problems at the rate of 100,000,000 steps per second. This is one reason why they have so popular. the whole idea I was assigned to evaluate the proposed analysis techniques and to compare it to Other potential techniques.