EE-Video Yossi Biton Nir Yakobovski
Outline The concept Main functionality Challenges & Solutions Design considerations Layers Class diagram Progress report Flexible extensions Demo
The concept EE-Video web site is based on a cutting- edge technology and provides watching, sharing and commenting videos. The site implementation grounded on: Multiple simultaneously users Rich user experience High scalability Flexible maintainability
Main Functionality Watching Videos Progressive download of FLV files. Uploading Videos Automatic JPG Snapshot from uploaded movie. Searching Videos Related movies of the current played movie Extensive Search abilities – part B implementation. Managing users Different tiers of permissions for different levels of users - users with higher level have wider functionality. Using brand new management module within the SQL Database server for improved abilities.
Challenges & Solutions Creating Hierarchy design with separate designated independent layers & objects and assimilating them as API ’ s within other layers. Coding Using C# and Java script on ASP.NET 3.5 Framework. Using SQL server for site ’ s Database and users management. Managing uploaded Video files from multiple users simultaneously. Using offline application such as FFMpeg for cropping movie ’ s thumbnails.
Design - Layers Presentation Layer Presentation Layer Independent User controls Rich User interface using AJAX BLL BLL – Business Logic Layer Custom Entity objects Custom Business methods DAL DAL – Data Access Layer XSD Stored Procedures