Change Management Lecture 1 Stories of Change
Overview Introduction to course Format Lectures, case studies, DVDs, role plays, group exercises Assessment Participation 20%, Case Presentation 30% Summary/Critique 10%, Change Agent Interview 40% Group formation Case allocation Quick case/roleplay – Yincom Group exercise
Yincom and Yangnet You are the Yincom CEO, and you have scheduled a meeting of the top 30 managers of Yincom and Yangnet shortly after the merger. You have decided to use the first ten minutes of the meeting to introduce yourself and your thinking. Be prepared to give that speech. What questions and concerns would you anticipate? What results would you realistically hope for? What would be your first steps after the meeting?
Managing Change Change can be interpreted in different ways Using the stories of change we can see how different types of change affect people in different ways The same change can mean different things to different people The textbook has stories of change from: HP (a merger story) IBM (a bottom up change story) McDonalds (responding to pressure) Kodak (managing expectations). Article of faith: NO ONE BEST WAY TO CHANGE!
Interpretations of Change Take five minutes to personally answer these questions: Have you (or someone you know) ever experienced organizational change? Use Yincom if no other source of inspiration What was your view of the change? What did others think of the change? Who were the change champions? How did they behave?
Group Exercise Perform the following activities in your group: Share your stories with members of your group What are the common issues? What are the differences? Are there “lessons” embedded in these stories? What three conclusions do you draw from these stories about managing change?