A Man, a President, and a Legend Taylor Giarrizzo CSCI 150 Section 3 October 30, 2008 Assignment 8
Born on April 13, 1743 Parents Jane Randolph Peter Jefferson Was the third of eight children Raised in Virginia, family relocated to Tuckahoe
1752, Jefferson began attending a local school run by William Douglas Studied Latin, Greek, and French by the age of nine Received a classical education and studied history and science at a Fredericksville Parish 1760 Jefferson entered The College of William & Mary in Williamsburg at the age of 16 Studied there for two years Graduated in 1762 with highest honors studied mathematics, metaphysics, and philosophy
Handled many cases as a lawyer in colonial Virginia Managed more than a hundred cases each year between 1768 and 1773 in General Court alone Acted as a council in many cases His client list included members of Virginia's elite families including members of his mother's family, the Randolphs
1769- represented Albemarle County in the Virginia House of Burgesses First published work: A Summary View of the Rights of British America – notion that the colonists had the natural right to govern themselves Seen as a thoughtful patriot spokesman Ideas were too radical for the First Continental Congress, but still inspired colonists and delegates alike
first Secretary of State under George Washington Argued with Alexander Hamilton over national fiscal policy, especially the funding of the debts of the war Along with James Madison, founded and led the Democratic-Republican Party strongly supported France against Britain when war broke out between those nations in 1793
1776, Jefferson returned to Virginia and was elected to the new Virginia House of Delegates set out to reform and update Virginia's system of laws to reflect its new status as a democratic state drafted 126 bills in three years 1778 "Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge“ served as governor of Virginia from 1779–1781 oversaw the transfer of the state capital from Williamsburg to Richmond in 1780 continued to advocate educational reforms at the College of William and Mary Virginia was invaded twice by the British during Jefferson's term as governor
appointed to a five-man committee to prepare a declaration to accompany the resolution against Britain committee selected Jefferson to write the first draft due to his reputation as a writer Reflected on his own proposed draft of the Virginia Constitution presented the draft to Congress on June 28, 1776 Congress made a few changes in wording and deleted nearly a fourth of the text July 4, 1776, the wording of the Declaration of Independence was approved
Administration and cabinet The Jefferson Cabinet Office Name Term President Thomas Jefferson 1801–1809 Vice President Aaron Burr 1801–1805 George Clinton 1805–1809 Secretary of State James Madison 1801–1809 Secretary of Treasury Samuel Dexter 1801 Albert Gallatin 1801–1809 Secretary of War Henry Dearborn 1801–1809 Attorney General Levi Lincoln, Sr. 1801–1804 John Breckinridge 1805–1806 Caesar A. Rodney 1807–1809 Secretary of the Navy Benjamin Stoddert 1801 Robert Smith 1801–1809
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