Monday Sep 13, 2010 Update Your Planner. Open up your science notebook and set up your Cornell notes. Write Today's Topic: What is Earth Science? Open your RED TEXT to page 16. Safety Contracts are LATE!
Science Science - is a process (a way) of learning about the natural world and the knowledge gained through that process.
What is Earth Science? -ology means “the study of.” Example: Bio = life. Biology is the study of life. Earth Science is broken down into 4 general areas of study. Geology Meteorology Astronomy Oceanography
Geology Geology is the study of earth, its matter and the processes that form and change earth.
Meteorology Meteorology is the study of weather and the forces and processes that change it. What processes and forces make these things happen?
Astronomy Astronomy is the study of objects in space like stars, planets and comets. Am I a Planet?
Oceanography The study of Earth’s oceans and the physical and chemical properties of ocean water.
Why Earth Science? Nearly everything we do is connected to the Earth: its land, soil, rocks, minerals, atmosphere, oceans, plants and animals.
Why Earth Science? To understand and appreciate our complex planet. To maintain wise stewardship of Earth’s resources. To sustain and improve the quality of life.
Why Earth Science? Answers many questions; Why are earthquakes more common in California than in Louisiana? Why are beaches so prone to erosion? How will we get gasoline and oil for our cars?
Why Earth Science? Improves our ability to predict future events. Offers many challenges in preparing our environment to sustain 8,000,000,000 people by 2025.
Why Earth Science? History Read 1,000, years of Earth history in the Grand Canyon.
Why Earth Science? Discovery How did the dinosaur footprints get there ?
Earth Science Poster 1. DRAW at least two symbols or pictures for each branch on the front of the poster. 2. WRITE ON THE BACK 1. 5 “I notices” and 3 “I wonders” for each branch on back of poster. 3. Poster is due Tuesday. 1. DRAW at least two symbols or pictures for each branch on the front of the poster. 2. WRITE ON THE BACK 1. 5 “I notices” and 3 “I wonders” for each branch on back of poster. 3. Poster is due Tuesday.
Branches of Earth Science Geology - The study of the forces that change and shape the Earth. Ch 3-10 Oceanography - The study of Earth’s ocean including the movement and chemistry of ocean and fresh water. Ch Meteorology - The study of Earth’s atmosphere and weather. Ch Astronomy - The study of space and the universe beyond Earth. Ch Environmental Science - The study of the environment, earth’s resources and the effects of human impact on the earth. Ch 11.