Radiative and Electroweak Penguin Decays of B Mesons Jeffrey D. Richman University of California, Santa Barbara B A B AR Collaboration 11 th International Conference on B Physics at Hadron Machines Oxford, Sept. 28, 2006
Outline Overview: a little history, physics goals, and challenges B + + B 0 0 B 0 and the extraction of |V td /V ts | B K l + l - and B K* l + l - : search for new physics using the lepton forward-backward asymmetry Inclusive B X s branching fraction measurements and extraction of heavy-quark-expansion parameters (including m b ) using the E spectrum Conclusions Apologies for not covering all results on radiative/electroweak penguin decays in this talk!
Radiative penguin decays of B mesons Observation of B K* CLEO II (1993): Loops in B decays! PRL 71, 674 (1993): cited >500 times! Now it’s a physics program! Rare, but not all that rare!
Probe SM at 1-loop level (flavor-changing neutral currents) Search for new physics: can affect amplitudes at leading order As for semileptonic decays, the amplitude in EM/EW penguins involves only one hadronic current factorizes. What can we learn from b s, d transitions? (+ W + W - box diagram) (dominated by t quark)
Understand QCD dynamics: single hadronic current allows us to isolate non-perturbative parameters in well-defined way. Can be related to same/similar parameters for other decays. Exclusive decays: decay form factors f i (q 2 ). b s transition is similar to b u (heavy-to-light decays) Inclusive decays: parameters of heavy-quark expansion (m b, 2,…); important input for |V ub |, |V cb | extractions. Measure/constrain CKM elements (|V td /V ts |): if info on hadronic parameters is available from data, theory, or both. What can we learn from b s,d transitions?
Ali, Lunghi, Parkhomenko, PLB 595, 323 (2004) [for I-spin avg.] I-spin ( ), quark model ( ). Expect small I-spin violation: (1.1+/-3.9)%. Ball and Zwicky, JHEP 0604, 046 (2006) Ball and Zwicky, hep-ph/ W annihilation diagram (small) Observation of b d and Measurement of |V td /V ts |
Measurement of b d Decays (Belle) Signal BK*BK* continuum background Belle, PRL 96, (2006); 386 M BB. Good particle ID is critical in this measurement to suppress B K* feed- down.
Measurement of b d Decays (B A B AR ) signal bkgnd signal + bkgnd BABAR, hep-ex/ , 347 M BB B++B++ B++B++ B 0 0 B00B00 projections of 4-D fit
Comparison of b d Branching Fractions Mode B A B AR (10 -6 ) (6.3 signif.) Belle (10 -6 ) (5.1 signif.) PRL 96, (2006). preliminary; hep-ex/ CKM fitter includes CDF B s mixing result. Error on CKM Fitter prediction includes uncert. on B V form-factor ratio. I-spin consistency?
Extracting |V td /V ts | from b d Decays Belle, PRL 96, (2006). BABAR, hep-ex/ (preliminary) (used CDF hep-ex/ ) Consistent within errors! courtesy M. Bona (UTfit collab.) Theoretical uncertainties already or soon limiting both approaches. CDF, hep-ex/ (preliminary) exptthy expt thy
B Kl + l - and B K*l + l - in the SM and Beyond Photon penguin 3-body decays dependence of rate on kinematic variables can be used to study the different amplitudes and their interference effects. The mode B Kl + l - is allowed as well as B K*l + l - (B K forbidden by conservation of angular momentum). Z penguin W + W - box
B K*l + l - Dalitz plot Can see A FB behavior and q 2 dependence from the Dalitz plot Note: B Kl+l- is expected to have very small A FB, even in presence of new physics; effectively provides a crosscheck. effect of pole Standard Model Prediction
Amplitude for B K*l + l - Short-distance physics encoded in C i ’s (Wilson coefficients); calculated at NNLO in SM: Interference terms generate asymmetries in lepton angular distribution over most of q 2 range. C i ’s can be affected by new physics; enters at same order as SM amp. mix of Z-penguin, W + W - box photon penguin dom. at v. low q 2 Kruger and Matias; PRD 71, (2005) Ali et al., PRD 61, (2000)
Form Factors and Observables Long distance QCD physics is mainly described in terms of form factors, which are functions of 4 semileptonic form factors: A 1, A 2, V, A 0 (similar to B D*l, B l 3 penguin form factors: T 1, T 2, T 3 Form factor uncertainies 35% uncertainty in rate predictions. large s
Predictions for A FB in B K*l + l - : SM and beyond Standard Model s 0 : Ali, Kramer, Zhu, hep-ph/
B A B AR, PRD 73, (2006) 229 M BB B Kl + l - and B K*l + l - Signals from B A B AR (6.6 , rarest observed B decay) (5.7 )
B K ( * ) l + l - Signals from Belle Belle, PRL 96, (2006) 386 M BB (Data sample used for study of Wilson coefficients)
B Kl + l - and B K*l + l - branching fractionsMode B A B AR (10 -6 ) [208 fb -1 ] Belle (10 -6 ) [253 fb -1 ] preliminary, hep-ex/ PRD 73, (2006) Inclusive: HFAG avg.
B K*l + l - : B A B AR results on K* polarization SM K* polarization Theory predictions in graphs: Ali et al., PRD 66, (2002); Ball and Zwicky, PRD 71, (2005). Data apply in 2 bins of q 2 high q 2 low q 2 J/ (vetoed) Polarization consistent with SM, but doesn’t discriminate against new physics scenarios with current data sample. BABAR, PRD 73, (2006) SM
B K*l + l - : B A B AR results on A FB and L SM q 2 range (GeV 2 ) A FB FLFL Data excluded at 3.6 ! Any A FB 2.7 use in 2 bins of q 2 (A FB =0 in SM and many BSM)
: B K*l + l - : Belle results on A FB Belle, PRL 96, (2006) best fit with A 7 fixed to SM for reference:
B K*l + l - : Belle results on Wilson coefficients fix |A 7 | to SM (B X s ) fit for A 9 /A 7 and A 10 /A 7 data consistent with SM quadrants I, III excluded at 98.2% C.L. SM fit A 10 >0 (A i are real and constant; q 2 dep. corrections fixed to theory) Fit q 2 and cos l for need A 9 A 10 <0 to get A FB >0 in upper q 2 region allowed excluded
Inclusive B X s Canonical process for studying b s transition. Theory uncertainties currently at 10% level (NLO); pushing toward 5% (NNLO). Huge theoretical effort to predict branching fraction & photon energy spectrum. Also predictions for CP and I-spin violation. Spectrum is insensitive to new physics but is sensitive to m b and Fermi motion of b-quark (“shape function”). T. Hurth, E. Lunghi, W. Porod, Nucl. Phys. B 704, 56 (2005). M. Misiak and M. Steinhauser, hep-ph/ NNLO M. Neubert, Eur. Phys. J. C 40, 165 (2005). all for New!
Challenges of measuring inclusive B X s Weak experimental signature: single high-energy photon + event- shape cuts. Huge background from 0 ’s and ’s! Difficult to carry analysis down to E < 2.0 GeV. Want to push toward 5% precision to match the expected precision of NNLO calculations. MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages Fully inclusive Don’t reconstruct X s Closest correspondence to inclusive B(B X s ). Weak kinematic constraints larger background E known in Y(4S) frame, not B frame (smearing). (E MeV Sum-of-exclusive e.g., BABAR: 38 modes! Less background due to additional kinematic constraints (m ES, E). Better E resolution. More model dependence due to finite set of explicitly reconstructed B X s decays.
Fully inclusive B X s CLEO, PRL 87, (2001), 9.1 fb-1 Measure for E >2.0; extrap. to E >0.25 GeV Belle, PRL 93, (2004), 140 fb -1 Belle, hep-ex/ (moments) Measure for E >1.8 GeV; extrap. to full background subtracted efficiency corrected background subtracted not efficiency corrected
Fully inclusive, lepton-tagged B X s (B A B AR ) Suppress large continuum background using Event-shape cuts (continuum has jet topology) Lepton tag: high energy lepton from 2 nd B in event (B X c l ) qq + ττ BB XSγXSγ continuum dominated BB dominated (blinded) lepton tag hep-ex/ (preliminary, submitted to PRL)
B A B AR Fully Inclusive B X s w/lepton tag hep-ex/ (preliminary, sub. to PRL) Spectrum from best fit to kinetic scheme. Spectrum from best fit to shape function scheme. (extrapolated, kinetic scheme) (measured) spectrum not efficiency corrected stat sys model
B A B AR B X s with Sum of Exclusive Final States B A B AR, PRD 72, (2005) Energy RangeBranching Fraction (10 -4 ) E >1.9 GeV E >1.6 GeV (extrapolated) averages over two shape-function schemes errors: stat, sys, variation of shape fcn params E MomentsValue (GeV or GeV 2 ) E (min) = GeV K*(890) for BF, sum over all m(X s ): continuum signal comb. BB peaking bknd for spectrum, fit m ES in bins of m(X s ) BF/10 -3
Summary: B X s Branching Fraction & Moments Buchmüller and Flächer, PRD 73, (2006) HFAG 2006: common corrections to for BFs for extrapolations to E GeV. Gambino and Uraltsev, Eur. Phys. J C34, 181 (2004) green band expt uncert. average stat+sys b d frac shape fcn
Fits to moments of inclusive B X c l and B X s distributions all moments kinetic mass scheme Buchmüller and Flächer, PRD 73, (2006) Data from BaBar, Belle, CDF, CLEO, & DELPHI m b used for |V ub | (7.5% error!)
Studies of radiative/electroweak penguins have moved far beyond B K* . Observation of exclusive b d decays: B ( 0, +, ) Use to extract |V td /V ts |; consistent with value from B s mixing. Precision soon to be limited by theoretical uncertainties. Electroweak penguins decays B K l + l -, B K* l + l -, and B X s l + l - have been measured. First studies of decay distributions have been performed and exclude some non-SM scenarios. More data needed to exploit full potential. Inclusive B X s measurements provide information on m b and non-pert. QCD parameters and help improve precision on |V cb | and |V ub |. Difficult issues with systematic errors, but goal is to achieve 5% uncertainty on branching fraction. We will study radiative/EW penguins for many years to come at BaBar, Belle, and LHC-b! Conclusions
Backup slides
Extracting |V td /V ts | from b d Decays Belle, PRL 96, (2006). BABAR, hep-ex/ (preliminary) CDF, hep-ex/ (preliminary) Consistent within errors. Theoretical uncertainties limiting both approaches. BR(B→(ρ/ω)γ)/BR(B→K*γ) Belle 2005 CDF measurement ( m S ) B-Factories average BaBar ICHEP 2006 CKM fitter code w/o Δm s
B 0 BABAR, hep-ex/ , 347 M BB
B Kl + l - and B K*l + l - : q 2 distributions J/ (2S)K q2q2 q2q2 SM nonres SUSY models Pole from K* even in + - constructive interf. destructive
B Kl + l - and B K*l + l - : the J/ veto The decays B J/ K and B J/ K* are huge backgrounds and must be carefully removed (also B (2S)K, (2S)K*). These backgrounds are restricted in q 2, but there is a tail due to bremsstrahlung in the electron modes. But B J/ K and B J/ K* are valuable control samples; use them to study efficiency of almost any analysis cut. Ali, Kramer, Zhu: B Ke + e - J/ and (2S) veto: MC B Ke + e - e + e - )B Ke + e - m(e + e - ) projection: MC B Ke + e -
M(l + l - ) distributions from B J/ K + control samples: data vs. Monte Carlo absolute normalization points: data histogram: MC Bremsstrahlung tails well described by MC. B A B AR
B Kl + l - Signal from B A B AR summed over all K l + l - modes (K + e + e -, K + + -, K S e + e -, K S + - ) significance=6.6 rarest observed B decay (averaged) B A B AR, PRD 73, (2006) 229 M BB
B K*l + l - Signal from BAB AR B A B AR, PRD 73, (2006) 229 M BB
B K*l + l - Dalitz plot Can see A FB behavior and q 2 dependence from the Dalitz plot Note: B Kl+l- is expected to have very small A FB, even in presence of new physics; effectively provides a crosscheck. effect of pole Standard Model Prediction
B K*l + l - Dalitz plot Can see A FB behavior and q 2 dependence from the Dalitz plot effect of pole Maximal new physics effect:
B K*l + l - : B A B AR results on q 2 distribution BABAR, PRD 73, (2006)
Lepton angular distribution in l l rest frame use l - if B use l + if B Ali, Kramer, Zhu, hep-ph/
Extracting A FB and F L in bins of q 2 B A B AR, PRD 73, (2006)
Belle, hep-ex/041006
Inclusive B X s some history CLEO, PRL 74, 2885 (1995); 2.01 fb -1 on Y(4S), 0.96 fb -1 below Y(4S) Backgrounds: B decays, continuum, e + e - qq (ISR), e + e - qq 0 X “Event-shape analysis”“B-reconstruction analysis” scaled off resonance total background (points w/error bars)
B A B AR B X s with Sum of Exclusive Final States Reconstruct 38 exclusive modes | E|<40 MeV For E spectrum, fit m ES distrib. in bins of m(X s ) Correct for efficiency of each mode and missing modes fraction ( model dependence) for BF, sum over all m(X s ): continuum signal comb. BB peaking bknd
Systematic Errors on B X s Belle, PRL 93, (2004)
Belle: B X s l + l - Belle, PRL 72, (2006) 5.4
Extraction of heavy-quark expansion parameters from B X s B X s inclusive E spectrum B X c l inclusive E l spectrum and M(X c ) hadron mass distrib. m b now determined to about 1% and |V cb | is determined to <2%. (measures kinetic-energy-squared of b-quark) Using heavy-quark expansion (HQE), moments of inclusive B decay distributions can be expressed in terms of non-perturbative QCD parameters and quark masses.
Predictions for A FB in B K*l + l - : SM and beyond Standard Model s 0 : Ali, Kramer, Zhu, hep-ph/
B K*l + l - : B A B AR results on A FB and L SM q 2 range (GeV 2 ) A FB FLFL Data excluded at 3.6 ! Any A FB 2.7 use in 2 bins of q 2 (A FB =0 in SM and many BSM)