1 Strategic Planning: An Update March 13, 2008
2 Outline What we have done so far? Where do we stand now? Next steps?
3 What we have done? The Strategic Planning Steering Committee and 4 Major Initiative Committees have been working for ~6 months Conducted an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats Solicited input from the Community Developed a strategic planning working document that has been shared with the community for input
4 Key Word and Phrases
5 Vision Undergraduate Education Partnerships, Outreach, and Engagement Research, Scholarship, and the Creative and Performing Arts Graduate Education Strategic Priorities Mission Values International Programs External Relations, Development, and Communication Infrastructure and Academic Support Resource Allocation and Administrative Efficiencies Surrounding Community Faculty and Staff Critical Enablers General Education Major Initiatives
6 Vision During the next decade, the University of Maryland will enhance its standing as a world-class, preeminent institution of higher education. The University will achieve this through an unwavering commitment to excellence in all that it undertakes. The University will attract a diverse student body that possesses the ability and passion for learning. Innovative and relevant programs will prepare students for leadership in a rapidly changing world. The University will foster research, scholarship, and arts programs noted for their quality, creativity, and impact. As befits its proximity to the nation’s capital, the University will focus on expanding its international influence and on addressing great and challenging problems of our time. Taking maximum advantage of its special location, the University will be a world center for creation and refinement of knowledge, advancement in science and technology, global leadership, and innovative production in the creative and performing arts.
7 Undergraduate Education Improve the quality of educational experience Enhance recruitment efforts Ensure academic success of undergraduates
8 Graduate Education Improve quality as measured by completion rate, time to degree, accomplishments of students, and quality of placement. Provide an experience where students feel that they have been treated well, have had a good quality of life, and have achieved their educational goals. Become competitive for the best students seeking graduate education and enroll a diverse student body that is excellent both in academic achievement and in the promise of outstanding creativity. Ph.D. graduates will be highly competitive and well prepared for prestigious positions. Master’s graduates will be in high demand for professional positions in their fields.
9 Research, Scholarship, and the Creative and Performing Arts Establish a culture where every academic unit and research center is expected to engage in research, scholarship, and other creative works at the level of the best in its discipline. Establish a suite of outstanding interdisciplinary research efforts related to major societal issues. Take advantage of our location to strengthen research programs by expanding collaborations with national and international partners for mutual benefit.
10 Partnerships, Outreach and Engagement Contribute to the development of the region’s economy. Establish Maryland as a leader in the performing, visual, and cultural arts. Strengthen Maryland’s capacity to engage students in addressing social issues, locally, regionally, nationally, and worldwide. Serve the citizens of the state
11 Surrounding Community Develop the physical and business environment. Increase public safety efforts in the surrounding area. Enhance the community as a place for faculty, staff and students to live. Increase transportation options in and around campus. Engage more effectively with the community and its leaders. Accelerate development of M Square Research Park.
12 Engaging the Global Community Greatly increase participation of students in study/internship/research abroad programs and in experiential and service learning abroad. Expand the global focus of academic programs. Expand the global reach of University programs. Expand outreach to and collaboration with official and informal international communities in the D.C. area and expand the visibility of the University as a globally engaged institution.
13 General Education Develop a General Education Program with a new conceptual structure: –Pathways to Knowledge and Creativity (Natural Sciences and Technology; Human Behavior, Societies, and Institutions; and Literature and the Arts); –Ways of Thinking (critical thinking; integrative thinking; and creative thinking); and –2020 Perspectives (the signature of the proposed program; each course or activity will focus on one or more current topics, bringing its particular approaches and modes of thinking to bear on broad societal issues) More flexibility More opportunity for academic programs to participate in General Education More emphasis on quality of delivery (instructors, class sizes) A system of assessment
14 Faculty and Staff Improve overall living and working environment for faculty and staff; improve recruitment and retention. Emphasize recruitment and retention of underrepresented groups and address problems that cause lower promotion and tenure rates. Develop a reward system that encourages a balanced approach to fulfilling our mission and strategic priorities.
15 Infrastructure and Academic Support Improve energy use and sustainability. Physical infrastructure renewal. Improve administrative processes. Enhance learning and research environment. Enhance information environment.
16 External Relations, Development and Communications With a focus on the strategic initiatives, build a fundraising program capable of generating increased gift support following the campaign. Enhance fundraising activities and reach an annual total of $225 million and a $1.2 billion endowment. Elevate the University’s academic reputation and achieve greater recognition of its preeminence and distinctive qualities based on the quality of faculty, students, research, and academic programs. Elevate public awareness of the importance of the University to the economic and social well-being of the state and its citizens.
17 Resource Allocation and Administrative Efficiency Develop measures of mission and unit achievements for a systematic annual resource allocation. Adjust the enrollment of graduate and undergraduate students for improved quality. Improve academic and administrative processes to simplify the work of the institution and to facilitate innovation.
18 What we have not done We have not yet developed a complete document. We have not made an effort to polish the language.
19 Next Steps Receive input from the Community until March 21. Incorporate community input into a strategic planning document. Send document to community for another round of input in early April. Generate yet another document for final presentation and approval.