*** HERZLICH WILLKOMMEN AN DER VIADRINA Welcome to the Heart of Europe! ***
Die Viadrina Slubice (Polen) Frankfurt (Oder)
Die Viadrina - Facts and Figures First University of Brandenburg Foundation as European University 1991 *** FacultiesLaw, Business Administration and Economics Social and Cultural Sciences *** Students5.000 from more than 70 countries Percentage of Foreign Students40%
Located directly on the German-Polish border Innovative, International Areas of Study Foreign Language Instruction at the Language Center Interdisciplinary Research and Instruction with a European Focus Double and Triple Degree Programs Study completion within allowed limits The most current technology and modern accommodations Live and study in Germany and Poland * * * * ********
Die Viadrina - 10 convincing points 1. Internationality: Study with students from over 80 countries and be taught by academics from all over the world 2. Interdisciplinary in teaching and research: Choose from a wide range of classes within all faculties: Law, Economics and Business Administration as well as Social and Cultural Science 3. Foreign Language Competence: In addition to your regular studies take advantage of foreign language classes of the highest quality 4. Study and Internships Abroad:Benefit from an extensive network with more than 200 cooperation partners worldwide 5. Qualify for a future Europe:Obtain an internationally acknowledged university degree and be prepared for the European job market
6. Affordable Studies: Profit from a broad variety of student loans as well as cheap housing and low living costs 7. Outstanding Study Conditions: Take advantage of the low student-teacher ratio which enables you to complete your studies in a short period of time 8. Excellent Research Possibilities: Modern equipped library, computer terminals, wireless internet access on campus 9. Cross-Border Education: Attend lectures and workshops in the Collegium Polonicum, an institution run by both the Viadrina and the Adam-Mickiewicz University in Poznań on the Polish side of the river 10. International Housing: Live in residences on the German and Polish side of the river
Die Viadrina - Possibilities 1.Exchange Student (Undergraduate and Graduate) Exchange students can receive certificates of examinations passed, but no degree from the Viadrina (besides students within our double or multiple degree programs). Application Date for Winter Semester: May 31 Application for Summer Semester: November 31
Die Viadrina - Possibilities 2. Predissertation Fellowship (Graduate) You work with a professor an get paid by the Viadrina for 30 days. You can come, whenever you like. Plus: The IES is providing of fellowship of $3,000. Application Date February 1 of Each Year
Questions? Anna-Lena Schneider Annika Styczynski We are both Visiting Scholars from the Viadrina and are staying in Berkeley for the Academic Year 2007/2008. Feel free to contact us with your questions whenever you like!