Bayesian Photometric Redshifts (BPZ) Narciso Benítez 1,2 (2000) Narciso Benítez 1,2 et al. (2004) Dan Coe 1,2,3 et al. (2006) Johns Hopkins University 1 Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía 2 JPL/Caltech 3 Science Team Science Team
Photo-z Methods Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) Template Fitting Empirical Training Set (Neural Networks) Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) Template Fitting Empirical Training Set (Neural Networks)
Coleman, Wu, Weedman ‘80 Kinney ‘96 Bruzual & Charlot ‘03 Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) templates BPZ v1.99b Benítez ‘00, ‘04 Coe ‘06 recalibrated with real photometry Normally interpolate 2 between adjacent templates
Flux Wavelength SED template fit
Redshift Probability prior: I = 26 without prior with prior Bayesian use of priors Benítez00 Output:
Benítez00 Redshift Inaccuracy (photo-z vs. spec-z) Poorness of Fit Poorest fits yield most accurate redshifts!
2 = 4.27 2 = 0.11 Wavelength Flux 2 mod = 0.03 2 mod = 0.19
PHAT GOODS BPZ results (training set) Important to plot error bars and goodness-of-fit
PHAT GOODS BPZ results (training set) Single-peaked P(z) [ODDS 0.95] no error bars plotted
Most GOODS objects have good photometry ACS ground IRAC
…but some are bad ACS ground IRAC
ACS ground IRAC …some are ugly
Robust photo-z’s require Robust photometry One of the best methods (even if Peter doesn’t like it ;)
PSF-corrected aperture-matched photometry What is the best method?
PHOTEST Photometry Testing PSF Degradation vs. Model Fitting Magnitude Uncertainties Zeropoint Calibration Object Detection & Deblending … Sounds like a job for a new group Let’s meet in Greece 2009 Photometry Testing PSF Degradation vs. Model Fitting Magnitude Uncertainties Zeropoint Calibration Object Detection & Deblending … Sounds like a job for a new group Let’s meet in Greece 2009
UDF NICMOS fluxes too low
NICMOS flux recalibration Objects w/ spec-z
Comprehensive Segmentation Map Forced into SExtractor
Wish List (Goals for PHAT?) Improve SED library more galaxy types broader wavelength coverage SED uncertainties derived from population synthesis models?? Improve Priors using UDF, surveys Improve SED library more galaxy types broader wavelength coverage SED uncertainties derived from population synthesis models?? Improve Priors using UDF, surveys
Optimal Filter Choice for a given amount of observing time Benítez et al. (2008) A&A submitted filters is sub-optimal ! addition of near-IR helps somewhat > 8 filters performs much better filters is sub-optimal ! addition of near-IR helps somewhat > 8 filters performs much better
Filters tested = const contiguousoverlapping
Photo-z completeness Best is > 8 overlapping filters Depth to which 80% of objects have ODDS ≥ 0.99
Photo-z accuracy for ODDS ≥ 0.99 objects Best is many non-overlapping (contiguous) filters
lab including CCD, atmosphere, mirror reflectivity ALHAMBRA Survey (Moles08) 20 medium-band (310Å wide) filters Å, supplemented by JHK s
ALHAMBRA Survey 1.5’ x 1.5’ 14-filter color image to cover 4+ sq deg
8, ,000 sq deg z < years 6 sq deg camera new 2-3m telescope to be built in Aragon, Spain 8, ,000 sq deg z < years 6 sq deg camera new 2-3m telescope to be built in Aragon, Spain
PAU Survey : Å-wide filters (~ Å) + SDSS u & z
PAU Survey : z/(1+z) L*, I < 23 LRGs
PAU Survey: BAO cosmological constraints
PAU Survey: relative w constraints